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Attack Bike Conversion


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Hi guys,


This conversion has been created due to pure stupidity.

Today I went to my local GW store to buy a Baal Predator, but it has been out of stock.

So I decided to buy something else. Decision was made because so many people talked about their melta bikes recently. Grabbed a box of Dark Angel bikers because they were cheaper than three normal space marine bikers. Further I was thinking about converting the emblems and such into BA-Bling.


At home I realized that all those people have been talking about ATTACK bikes.... *facepalm*


So I was sitting at my desk... wondering about how stupid I am.

Reading the codex I realized that 2 Attack Bikes would be sufficient for my force... So I decided to slaughter one of the bikers and convert the other to into attack bikes.


Well... Long story cut short.

Here they are. At least the first one.


This was a rediculous amount of work. For me it was the most time consuming conversion since I started the hobby.

It was also my first use of green stuff. Mainly for filling all the gaps.


If anyone is interested I will take pictures building the second one, for a little tutorial.

Just tell me.


Critics and comments are highly appreciated... as allways.


ad.: Foot panel, shoulder pads, backpack and bling will be added before painting. But I ran out of time.










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WOW! That looks sick! Your conversion skills are amazing!


I would love for you to post the tutorial as it would make it cheaper to field attack bikes. The only critisism I have is regarding the helmets. They don't look very space marine-ish.



Sun Reaver

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WOW! That looks sick! Your conversion skills are amazing!


I would love for you to post the tutorial as it would make it cheaper to field attack bikes. The only critisism I have is regarding the helmets. They don't look very space marine-ish.



Sun Reaver


Thank you very much.

I will post a tutorial as soon as I manage it to build the second one.


Concerning the helmets. They are not glued on yet. I can easily replace them. They are from Pig Iron and I have the lying around because I want to use them on my assault Scouts once I will have them.

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those helms dontsuit marines, but look great on scouts! as for the conversion in general looks great. though the handle bars dont look tick enough or something. just look to open there... also get them shoulder pads on! marines look weird without them...
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Didnt keep the receipt???


But all things considering, an interesting recovery. Though I wonder how many other bits you've used form various kits there...

Nah... Threw it away right after it.


About the bits. It really wasn't that bad.

The bits from other sprues were mainly one Rhino door which could be exchanged by plastic card, the part of the man hole of the Rhino where the stormbolter is attached (but only for decorative reasons) and the back is the ammunition box of a predator (since there are two different ones, this part will be easy to get a hold of).

Well... The Multi Melta derives from the Devastator sprue, but it doesn't come with the regular attack bike either as far as I'm concerned.


Forgot about the gunner... He is the standing up guy from the Rhino kits. Also easily available.

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