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Blood Chalice


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Hey guys,


I had a game this past Friday against a good friend of mine and his wolves and a rules dispute came up.


So here is what happened: I had 3 tactical marines on the second floor of a building and a priest close by on the ground. The marines took some hits and I failed 2 saves. Here is where things get tricky. I Checked range from the marines to the priest and it was close. If I measured from the top of the priest's head and measured 6" that way I was in range (just like when you fire a flamer template on a 2nd floor from ground level). But if I measured from the priest's base I was out about an inch.


Was I bending/breaking the rule or is this legal?



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After looking it up in the rulebook, on page 82 where it talks about using buildings, under the section of unit coherency it says that as long as any part of a model on a lower level is within 2" of the base of a model on the upper level then they are within unit coherency. I believe under those rules you can assume that for abilities that involve being in range they are the same for being in range for unit coherency. So by my interpretation, you can measure from the head of your priest to the bases of the models in the building to check if they are in range.
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I am fairly certain you should be measuring from the base in such cases. Also I thought the flamer is always fired from the base and if it isn't then no clue!



Blah never mind I think Catman has it right

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Yup - you're good. As long as you're within 6" of any part of the model (note - this would not include banners or large weapons - think along the lines of what you have to see to be able to shoot) the you get that golden FNP roll.
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