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Sniper + devastator?


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Heard from a guy in the local game club that he used devastators + sniper for some kind of firebase in most lists he ran. Didn't have time to fire away some questions and now I wonder if people do the same (really liked the idea) and how they try to execute it? Is it done small scale, like 5 snipers + 5 or so devastators or do you invest more points for it?
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3X 5 model Devs with 4 Missile Launchers

1X 5 model Scouts with Cloaks, Sniper Rifles, and Missile Launcher

490 points


Makes a solid firebase for one of a few DoA hybrid lists. I take the above, plus Dante, Libby, 2X RAS and 2X Sang Guard in my 2500 list. 5 scoring units, lots of ranged firepower to support the jumpers.

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