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Finished collecting, assembling, & customizing

Malt Vicar

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Hello again!


I joined a couple of months back, having returned to 40k after a long hiatus. Since March, I've been slowly collecting enough to fill out a flexible army with emphasis on the units I really like. I've been devouring podcasts and internet wisdom ^_^ , and I think I've come up with a decent collection that can make a flexible army. So, rather than post an army list, I'm going to list what I have and how I generally intend to use it. A lot of my army is magnetized, so I can switch out jump packs, etc. My current finances mean that nothing will be added to this army for a while (or ever ... I may eventually start to collect another army after I paint this one). But if you see any gaping holes in my collection (or flaws in my logic), by all means let me know.



Librarian (jump pack optional)

Librarian in Terminator armor

Reclusiarch in Terminator armor

Reclusiarch (jump pack optional; doubles as Lemartes)

Commander Dante (customized from SG)

Honor Guard (sanguinary novitiate, 3 melta guns, champion)



2 squads of Sanguinary Guard (2 plasma pistols, 1 infernus pistol, 2 powerfists, and banner all optional); all in death masks (not points efficient, but looks cool)

1 squad of 5 assault Terminators (TH/SS)

1 squad of 5 Terminators (assault cannon & cyclone optional)

Furioso Dreadnought/Furioso Librarian (magnetized for either option)

2 Sanguinary Priests (jump pack optional)

Sanguinary Priest in TErminator armor



1 Assault Squad (10 marines, jump packs, 2 melta guns, power fist)

1 Assault Squad (10 marines, no jump packs, 2 melta guns, power fist)

Death Company x9 (1 power weapon; option to add power fist, 2 infernus or plasma pistols; jump packs optional)

Death Company Dread (magnetized; can double as regular shooty Dread w/missile launcher & lascannon or assault cannon)

*my Sanguinary Guard are usually Troops--I like to use them with Cmdr Dante.

*if I don't use my Devastators or Honor Guard, I can put together a Tactical Squad with either a MM or ML and melta gun.


Fast Attack

Vanguard Vets (5 marines: TH, PW, bolt pistols)


Heavy Support

Devastators (6 marines--I have 3 each of multi melta or missile launcher; sarge has bolter)

Stormraven (halfway built--will assemble as I paint; weapons are magnetized)

Land Raider (standard-phobos?-pattern)




Razorback (LasPlas, but also magnetized as a Rhino if need be)


So, basically I can put together a variety of hybrid lists with good mech, or a smaller DoA list. As I said before, I really like the look and role of the SG, so most of the time I'll be using Dante and at least 1 squad. Those will usually be the core of my force, and I'll almost always include an assault squad--either w/jump packs or in the Rhino. I like to have a lot of scoring units, so there'd probably be no shortage of those in any list.


I think I have the bases covered--I don't see any gaping holes. I think if I did come into some surprise pocket change, I'd probably pick up a Baal Predator, then a set of jump packs and some more magnets for my other assault squad. Maybe after that, the Sanguinor ... haha, see, I'm already making another shopping list.


At any rate, that's it. Now I have to start painting, which is as far as I've ever gone with an army since my 3rd edition Sisters. I'll be looking at a custom chapter, probably based on the Angels Encarmine colors, and I'll start posting WiP photos as soon as the rain stops and I can go outside and prime some marines.

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