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New BA player Army Idea.


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Hey mates. Recently I decided to begin gathering an army of BA since I am a huge fan of assault marines, and since the Blood Angles are the only army to take them as troops, it was a perfect fit for me. Now saying that, I have been considering a list that I wanted to run by you guys and if this would be effective against all-comers or if there are some things I should change. I have an idea of running a list of pure Assault Marines for the most part, supported by a few drop pod units, containing Furioso Dreadnoughts as well as either tactical/Sternguard squads to provide close range fire support for my Assault Marines as they move across the board. I would really appreciate the help mate and I thank you for your time, ph and before I forget, would a regular or a Death Company Furioso Dreadnought be better for this idea?
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Check out the BA army list forum, many, many lists there. We really need to see your list if we are to help you you know...


But you'll need DC to get a DC Dread, so if you run with RAS, then you have to take the Furioso.

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that type of army is basically a desent of angels army and works fairly well. the main problem with the dreads, is that if you pod them in then half will be in the enemys shooting gallery on their own first turn. however it can still work well. actually youd probably be suprised how many run what you run. id actually say dont bother with the tacticals etc. most of the characters work well in this list. chaplins and libarians work well. sanguary priests are pretty much nessiary. furisos in pods do well. asault squads 10 men double specials, vanguard squads to help tie up enemy units.

now as for death co dreads, you need death co to unlock them. death co with jump packs cost far too much, if your taking a few poded dreads then you could always take them and go that way. though if your taking death co give them a chaplin. th increase in killynes becasue of one is well worth it.

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Hey mates. Recently I decided to begin gathering an army of BA since I am a huge fan of assault marines, and since the Blood Angles are the only army to take them as troops, it was a perfect fit for me.


sounds like the same thing that drew me in, they are a blast for sure, and quite competitive.


Now saying that, I have been considering a list that I wanted to run by you guys and if this would be effective against all-comers or if there are some things I should change. I have an idea of running a list of pure Assault Marines for the most part, supported by a few drop pod units, containing Furioso Dreadnoughts as well as either tactical/Sternguard squads to provide close range fire support for my Assault Marines as they move across the board.


Also very similar to what I run, It is doable, and effective. I personally hate tactical marines, and wouldn't waste the points on them. Sternguard are something that I like, but can rarely find the points for in my particular build. The biggest downside to this, however, is that your drop pod dreads are kind of a one hit wonder, as they rarely get 2 turns to shoot if they don't kill what they are aimin for on turn one.


would a regular or a Death Company Furioso Dreadnought be better for this idea?


For Fire support, the Furiosos, as they dont have rage, may even want to consider regular dreads.


Ok, now , I am not telling you what to run, or that you need to do everything just like me or anything like that. I just want to share with you some of the things i have learned about BA and a DoA style army.


1. Deepstriking your jump packs is a great tactic, and very helpful, but is not the best in every situation. Sometimes bringing them off the board edge or even deploying them is the best way to go. Wait till you lose 2 squads in the same turn to mishaps or only get 1 squad per turn out of reserves and you will feel my pain :tu:


2. Stormravens are awesome, and a great addition to any DoA army. They are shooty, mobile, and fast enough to keep up with the rest of your army. Also, it is a great way to get an uber assaulty unit (DC, Termies, Sang. Guard, etc) AND a killy dread across the board rapidly. I wrote a Stormraven tactica HERE if you care to read it.


3. Don't overextend your army. I have found the best success out of keeping my assault marines close together, able to support each other. I also tend to run only one Sang. Priest, so that also keeps them tight. Remember, just cause they are assault marines don't mean they aint still marines, and they die like marines too. 10 fellas all alone is a great way to lose 10 fellas.


4. Hit 'em hard and fast. With this type of army, it is hard to play the sit back and shoot game. BA are somewhat of a glass hammer, they hit hard, but they are easy to break. That is why you gotta hit em hard and hit 'em early, before they can do damage to you. most of the time you will be outranged, so every turn you ain't in their face is a turn for your opponent.


Once again, please don't think I am trying to tell you how to play with your army men, or that my way is the only way. I am simply trying to help.


an example of what I run is HERE., if you want to check it out. The more you know, the better off you are when deciding what you want to play. At the end of the day, playing an army that is fun to YOU is whats important. Paint your armor red with the blood of your enemies and best of luck to ya!

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