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LC Termies


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Hey guys just wondering if you could help me out with personal experience here. I bought a set of assault termies and have an old set of regular termies primed black and doing nothing. I was wondering if anyone has run BA termies x5 with all LC obviously not as your tank punching unit but as a tough melee unit. I ask this becuase I want to use the TH/SS for my other army (salamanders) but still make use of the other ones for my BA army. Any info would be great thanks!
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I find the main reason to throw TH/SS termies in is just for the 3++ save and the anti tank. A unit of 5 with LCs led by a chaplain would eat any other unit around, with the reroll to charge and then also to wound. The only thing is not having that storm shield save. Put them in a transport and deliver them right into the face of the enemy.
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Yeah I know running combo of TH/SS with LC is good but i'm going to be splitting the termies between 2 armies and using all of the TH/SS termies in my non BA army. And as far as using the LC termies yeah i'd most likely put them in a land raider and cruise them into the face of a unit.
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do it. if you can get a priest near by and a chaplin or libby in the unit to give rerolls, on the charge that gives you 4 attacks each at ws4 rerolling to hit, str5 rerolling to wound, ignoring saves and striking at init 5. not many units can survive that...
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Brother Nathan when you put it like that :angry: sounds awsome. And yeah ill be running a libby for sure so why not with the termies. As far as running a chaplan maybe in a higher points game like 2000 im going to try and stick these guys in a 1500 for now. Them with a libby and perhaps a priest will be a wrecking crew. Thank for the imput!


On a side not just finished salvaging the shoulder pads off the shooty termies for my TH/SS squad ( my other army is painted low TT quality ) so i don't mind that they get recylced stuff lol.

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I tjink that LCs are a good way to go. Th/ss is good vs high T units, and 3++ is also very nice, but I1 spoils the day. With LC your termies could tear through almost any infantry squad. I personally prefer 2th/ss and 3 lc in order to be capable of dealing with MCs but also to be deadly to infantry.
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Just do what i plan to, MAGNATIZE the options. Than you can load them for your missions. facing nids with there higher inititve, than go with the shields and hammers. facing an army of low init high armoour, such as maga nobs? than arm yourself with lightning claws. not sure, than do a mix.
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Just do what i plan to, MAGNATIZE the options. Than you can load them for your missions. facing nids with there higher inititve, than go with the shields and hammers. facing an army of low init high armoour, such as maga nobs? than arm yourself with lightning claws. not sure, than do a mix.


As an ork player you definitely want the Power Fists Vs. Nobz of any sort. Instant death is just too much of a pain.

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I would love to magnetixe them and swap them but unfortunately as stated above all the TH/SS will be on sally termies meaning all the arms will be green and look rather funny on my BA so i only have TC left just wondering on how effective of a unit they will be and as long as i'm running them into troops the melta from my RAS should me more than enough to deal with any armor.
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does anyone you know also have assault termys? if so they might have a few spare thunderhammer and stormsheilds if your willing to trade bits for them. but lightening claws are still good, especially when we have to pay for our hammers...
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no unfortunately my only buddy that plays is Ork hehe so not much for bit trading. Also i havn't looked into any of the local stores still new to the scene. I could buy some off of a website im sure but so far the LC seem decent paired with the right support. I may however magnetize the LC arms anyways and possibly find some TH/SS arms later.
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ea thats what i would do, just incase they run into a dreadnaught. use the claws for now. by the time your opponents learn how to deal with them im sure you will be able to get some storm sheilds and hammers...
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I know this question may be suited better in the PCA forums of B&C but not wanting to bog it down with more threads does anyone know what size magnet would be appropriate for using on termy arms? also a site that delivers to Canada.
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