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Apocalypse, the best 'model' in your opinion?


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Hello again.


There is an apocalypse game coming in a few months, and I don't want to field a codex force only. Time to build me a apocalypse size model.

Now, I would like to know what you think about being the best model, gamewise, on the board, with the exception of warlord titan, reaver titan and baneblades (for the first time building something like that, i don't want to go bigger then a warhound titan and less detailed then a baneblade).


So the choices are:

- Khornelord of Battles

- Doomsday device

- Slaanesh Subjugator

- Silver Tower of Tzeentch

- Nurgle Plague Tower

- Warhound Titan

- Helltalon

- Hellblade


I think that is them all without anything baneblade detailed and larger then a warhound or fleshy daemon, but I could be wrong.


So, what do you think I should make, and why?


Thank you for your time




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So the choices are:

- Khornelord of Battles

- Doomsday device

- Slaanesh Subjugator

- Silver Tower of Tzeentch

- Nurgle Plague Tower

- Warhound Titan

- Helltalon

- Hellblade


Khornelord = Awesome... not sure how big they are but I guess they must be coming up to Warhound size... Can't say I've seen that many done online... Would be awesome...


Doomsday Device = This can be anything... Maybe make this on the side? My doomsday device is a guy strapped into a throne with loads of weird runes and stuff on it <_< on a giant machine.


Subjugator = I think this would be pretty tough compared to some due to the smooth sides.


Silvertower = Hmmm this could be easu or hard depending on how you want to do it!


Plague tower = Can look pretty cool and I think in some ways this is one of the easier ones to make.


Warhound Titan = Lots of people have done this and loads of templates exist so you can probably find more support for this as big thing go.


Hellblade/talong = Not really that apocalyptic however they have the advantage of being small and templates exist for them which is great if you have never scratch built any 40K vehicles before... Small might be a good place to start.



So my top 3 are...


Khornelord = Because it is awesome.

Warhound = Because it is big but lots of people have done it so you should be able to find help and pictures to inspire you!

Hellblade/talon = Good places to start if you haven't done this before.

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Strength D is your friend in apocalypse. The warhound with quad turbos is probably the best gamewise model out of the things you listed.


Doomsday device is really random.


KLOB dosen't have that impressive of a weapons fit, and has the 'crazed' rule which makes it unreliable. Also, it is a super heavy vehicle (not a walker) meaning it only goes 6" per turn and so is unlikely to use its CC abilities.


Subjugator, well it's weapons are alright but short ranged, the doom siren is great for killing marines in cover, and it has good CC ability, but its also only AV12 with 3SP and no voids meaning its pretty easy to kill/cripple. If you're going to use it, its probably best to flank march it. If your group plays with the interpretation that you can charge after the agile extra move (it does say as per the fleet of foot rule), then it has a close combat range of 18+2D6" and can fire its doomsiren, which is pretty deadly. Still seems like a glass cannon though.


Silver tower, slow, short range, 4+ cover but only AV12 and 2SP... at least it has a SD gun (no blast tho)... Cheap for a super heavy though


Plague tower, this one's pretty good. Baneblade armour and 6 structure points, and can carry 30 dudes. Weapons aren't too bad either.



There's also the brass scorpion (apoc core book) and greater brass scorpion (imperial armour apoc 2). The greater brass is probably a better buy (better armour and +1sp, better CC stats). They're pretty nasty with a 24" (12" move, 12" assault) close combat range, plus some good guns. Pretty easy to convert since it's basically a kitbash of 2 defilers.


There's also the khorne tower of skulls which looks decent. Doesn't necessarily have to be based on a baneblade (I don't think the epic model was anything like a baneblade).

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There's also the brass scorpion (apoc core book) and greater brass scorpion (imperial armour apoc 2). The greater brass is probably a better buy (better armour and +1sp, better CC stats). They're pretty nasty with a 24" (12" move, 12" assault) close combat range, plus some good guns. Pretty easy to convert since it's basically a kitbash of 2 defilers.


+1 to the Brass Scorpian. Its fluffy, easy to build and fairly effective.

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