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In fact the Deamon Dex was made in the rush because they where impaired in the CSM Dex and that the CSM dex was incomplete.


The excuse that Allesio and Gav gave us last year is that they thought that the other Chaos codices would follow in the months to come...


Its juste a lame excusen because even if dexes for the other legions came out, why did we loose 65% of the wargear and rules from 3.5Ed Dex to 4Ed Dex?...


I mean,why don't we have the Ornemental Spikes anymore?...every damn Marines can now have a mastercrafted weapon, and we?;not a thing...

Why limit the choices to 1 Deamon Weapon per Mark?...


I dunno there was lots of D weapons in the previous dex,and they could have made something like the actual Deamon Weapons from the GK's book...


Why are we also limited to a mount from your god!?, why don't we have a 5th option for a Deampnic steed for any marked Lord?...


So yeah even if they thougth that new Dexes would come after, the CSM was allready badly written.


And to "calm" the Chaos players who feeled abused and cheated by GW, they came with the ridiculous idea of a whole Deamon Dex...


Now the idea would have been great if like in the old times of the 4Ed dexes you could have allies troops!


But they is no synergie or alliance possible anymore between the dexes...,wixh is dumb as hell of an idea!


But the Deamon dex was made in the rush as a bad,very very bad Tyranid Clone...,but without all the cool Nids options or versatility...


So GW managed not only to give us a crap load of a CSM dex, but also a crap bag load of a Deamon dex!, chaos players are stuck with 2 crap codexes in place of 1!,isn't it marvelous?...


Seriously...a Deamon Dex?...what next?,...a Ratling and an Ogryn Codex?...


The only reason why i still play Chaos,and why they are still my favorite army, is because of the conversion potential and freedom,wich is waaaaaaay bigger then any other army(maybe excepte for the Orks...)

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dude I think your missing a point here. You got a demon dex [and you probably had demons because of chaos demon bombs so army was cheaper] that you could play both in W40k and WFB . sure in w40k it was a bit random and you couldnt dominate the playfield . But in WFB ? 2 years of utter tournament and non tournament dominations. Some armies had no way to win against demons even if they try to tailor and those that could tailor were worse against all other armies[and tailoring against demons wasnt more then a 50/50 chance to win] . Any GW desinger would tell you that . 2 years of ok in w40k and awesome in WFB .And If you miss then 3.5 dex GW would tell you that all their players are awesome chaps that would surely either let you modify the rules of your army to be more fun for you or have a blast at playing some 4ed games .
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