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Lamenters Sanguinary Guard


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I have posted previously about how I am building a Sanguinary Guard army. I am still trying to figure out what colors I would use as I want it to stand out and the gold/bronze look is a bit tired in my opinion. As I was perusing blogs lately, I ran into a player who used a Lamenters army and it looked sweet. I really like the yellow. In fact, I was planning on using yellow on helmets in my army regardless of chapter.


So, to bring this increasingly rambling post to a point, I was thinking about doing a Lamenters chapter Sanguinary Guard army. What would I need to do to add yellow elements to the army (Sanguinary in particular)? Would yellow SG look dumb? Any feedback from people who have tried this or who have considered this would be appreciated.

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I have posted previously about how I am building a Sanguinary Guard army. I am still trying to figure out what colors I would use as I want it to stand out and the gold/bronze look is a bit tired in my opinion. As I was perusing blogs lately, I ran into a player who used a Lamenters army and it looked sweet. I really like the yellow. In fact, I was planning on using yellow on helmets in my army regardless of chapter.


So, to bring this increasingly rambling post to a point, I was thinking about doing a Lamenters chapter Sanguinary Guard army. What would I need to do to add yellow elements to the army (Sanguinary in particular)? Would yellow SG look dumb? Any feedback from people who have tried this or who have considered this would be appreciated.


You wouldn't have happened to visit the Alamo Games Workshop in the past week, would you? :lol:


Either way, for running Sanguinary Guard in a Lamenters army always struck me as a bit off, because in their background, they're even noted for having just a few of them. That being said, feel free to run them. If you do, though, do look to Aventine's on his blog "Zen 40,000". His helmet choices, I feel are perfect. I would personally paint the models up in a luminary gold, yellow helmets with a black stripe down the middle, followed up with gold or steel accents, black wings, and checker patterns on both a shoulderpad and across other parts of the models such as the knee pads.

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I'd echo what mega_marines said.

Sanguinary Guard always have gold armour, but you can easily include your favourite colourscheme into theirs, for example the checkerboards on the shoulderpads and the black wings really devote them as Lamenters. Also their helmets can be painted in yellow, but I would say that the two colours(gold/yellow) are not too distinctive from each other and that it may look odd when you paint one half(not literally) gold and the other one yellow.


I think that concentrating on smaller but not less important details such as the shoulderpads and the wings(and the helmets even) is enough to show that they are Lamenters. Just my opinion. :lol:




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I have posted previously about how I am building a Sanguinary Guard army. I am still trying to figure out what colors I would use as I want it to stand out and the gold/bronze look is a bit tired in my opinion. As I was perusing blogs lately, I ran into a player who used a Lamenters army and it looked sweet. I really like the yellow. In fact, I was planning on using yellow on helmets in my army regardless of chapter.


So, to bring this increasingly rambling post to a point, I was thinking about doing a Lamenters chapter Sanguinary Guard army. What would I need to do to add yellow elements to the army (Sanguinary in particular)? Would yellow SG look dumb? Any feedback from people who have tried this or who have considered this would be appreciated.


You wouldn't have happened to visit the Alamo Games Workshop in the past week, would you? :lol:


Either way, for running Sanguinary Guard in a Lamenters army always struck me as a bit off, because in their background, they're even noted for having just a few of them. That being said, feel free to run them. If you do, though, do look to Aventine's on his blog "Zen 40,000". His helmet choices, I feel are perfect. I would personally paint the models up in a luminary gold, yellow helmets with a black stripe down the middle, followed up with gold or steel accents, black wings, and checker patterns on both a shoulderpad and across other parts of the models such as the knee pads.


That sounds amazing, would love to see them, has someone painted them up already?

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I wasn't planning on having much yellow on my Lamenter's Sanguinary Guard. The way I figure it, they know they are Blood Angels (BAs) descendants because their original command cadre was donated by BAs so have all the BA traditions (in my head that's how it works. As such I am planning on following the codex rule of all gold. I see sanguinary guard as not BAs or even Flesh Tearers or Lamenters but guys that dedicate themselves to Sanguinius only.


That said, don't think the Lemon heads would have any suits of armour so my boys will be toting terminator armour (see my blog) albeit with a fair dash of chequer boards.


Consider my 2p deposited :-)

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Why is giving them black wings 'lamanters'? I really like black wings, thinking about having black wings on my counts as HG
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Why is giving them black wings 'lamanters'? I really like black wings, thinking about having black wings on my counts as HG


Fit's the whole 'Lamentation' and "Mourning" theme. White is also rather strong against yellow and further checker patterns.



I have also thought about putting them in white or bone armor with yellow helmets. The Angels Sanguine do that.



Ya know, I was thinking about doing this as well, and actually tried it. It doesn't look all that good. Stripped the model and started over. :HQ:

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Ya know, I was thinking about doing this as well, and actually tried it. It doesn't look all that good. Stripped the model and started over. :HQ:


What I was afraid of. Metal armor may be the only way to go. What about using silver instead of gold to give more contrast with the yellow?

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Ya know, I was thinking about doing this as well, and actually tried it. It doesn't look all that good. Stripped the model and started over. :HQ:


What I was afraid of. Metal armor may be the only way to go. What about using silver instead of gold to give more contrast with the yellow?



A vibrant silver with the pastier yellow of the Lamenters looks fantastic and is rather intense looking. I've noticed people shoot at the silver more than they do the gold.

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