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Death, or Glory!


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I'm fuzzy on this one, and don't have a rulebook handy.


Let's say we have a Chaos Rhino tank shocking a Tactical squad with a multimelta. The tank declares a 12" move, which would bring it all the way through the Tactical squad.

The multimelta, however, is located back a couple ranks from the front of the unit. Before the Rhino reaches the multimelta model, it would have to displace 6 other Marines.

The multimelta declares Death, or Glory!, and succeeds in Wrecking the Rhino.

Where does the Rhino stop? Directly in front of the multimelta model, or directly in front of the first model in the unit that it would have touched?

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It would stop at the model who destroyed it.


EDIT: The squad still has to move out of the way if they passed morale or not. Except the melta wielder, who defiantly stays in the Rhino's path.

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It would stop at the model who destroyed it.


EDIT: The squad still has to move out of the way if they passed morale or not. Except the melta wielder, who defiantly stays in the Rhino's path.



Only the models who would be physicaly under the tank have to move out of the way, and if the tank is wrecked or explodes no models from that unit need move, even if they would be in the resulting wreck/crator. Remember a unit that passes its moral test (which must be done to perform death or glory in the first place) is only moved if the shocking vehicle ends its move on top of them, otherwise they remain stationary (presumably diving out of the way and then returning to their position).

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Actually, he can't Death or glory with the MM.


Only the first model in the path of the tank can... so tough luck for the MM.


I learned this the hard way with a LRBT shocking my DW terminators... and my CF was in the second line.


Learning: put your AT guys in the front :P

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pg 69 of the BRB states

if a unit that has been attacked by tank shock passes its morale test, one of its models in the vehicles path may stand and attempt to destroy it rather than move out of its way.

the model nominated for this heroic duty makes a single attack against the incoming tank.....



If the model successfully manages to stun, destroy or immobilise it, the vehicle grinds to a halt directly infront of the heroic indiviudal (or blows up there)


so you would move all other guys in the path away from the vehicle at least one inch, but any model in the path may make an attack, sorry tanhausan you got properly owned by some rule lawyer..


also note that if you fail death and glory only the nominated model is killed, not the unit

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Actually, in the Spanish translation it works the way I said...but its good to know in the english version it actually DOES make sense. Thanks for taking the time to look it up.
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Actually, in the Spanish translation it works the way I said...but its good to know in the english version it actually DOES make sense. Thanks for taking the time to look it up.


it really was lost in translation :tu:

its kinda bad that they couldnt get the rules to mean the same in different languages

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It's definitely all those in the path of the vehicle? So if you angled the vehicle so it would leave out the multi-melta or meltagun in a squad they don't get the shot? If so that makes tank shock a little safer, and means my friend the other day couldn't have sacrificed his plasma cannon, though I'm not complaining, that plasma cannon was giving me headaches. That being said, any self-respecting meltagun will then move behind the vehicle and blow it up anyway.
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yeah the rules definately states "in the vehicles path"


Yeah I checked it again later. Makes tank shocking slightly less risky, for the purposes of bunching up for templates or forcing morale tests. But still that MM will be in range next turn and probably take you out if they didn't full back or get taken apart by templates.

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Lost a whole squad of Terminators and and a result my first 5th edition game because a cheat said it was the squad that was destroyed, and since I only got a weapon destroyed result and didn't destroy/stop or blow up the rhino. Needless to say the same guy was a dice rolling cheat (would always say more dice had hit or wounded then had by picking up dice quickly and using hard to read dice) and also a movement cheat who I caught moving a rhino 16" so now he has a nice painted Ultramarines army and nobody will play him :P


Learning a rule the hard way sure sets it to memory, glad it was clarified for you.

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pg 69 of the BRB states
if a unit that has been attacked by tank shock passes its morale test, one of its models in the vehicles path may stand and attempt to destroy it rather than move out of its way.

the model nominated for this heroic duty makes a single attack against the incoming tank.....



If the model successfully manages to stun, destroy or immobilise it, the vehicle grinds to a halt directly infront of the heroic indiviudal (or blows up there)

I've always read this as "makes a single melee attack", meaning, fists/hammers/grenades are your only real options (since chainswords don't have a great chance.) Is the general consensus that a shooting attack is also valid?


(would always say more dice had hit or wounded then had by picking up dice quickly and using hard to read dice)

And that's why the only dice I pick up are the ones that fail, so my opponent and I can count the ones that succeeded together without my hand having touched them :D Sorry about your first 5th ed experience, but hey, at least you don't have to play that guy ever again B)

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I've always read this as "makes a single melee attack", meaning, fists/hammers/grenades are your only real options (since chainswords don't have a great chance.) Is the general consensus that a shooting attack is also valid?


the rulebook clarifies on the same page, it states may make a single shooting attack or a single close combat attack

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Actually, in the Spanish translation it works the way I said...but its good to know in the english version it actually DOES make sense. Thanks for taking the time to look it up.


it really was lost in translation :D

its kinda bad that they couldnt get the rules to mean the same in different languages


It's not just restricted to English-Spanish translations.


Spanish-English also has issues. Look at the Infinity rulebook sometime. Translation errors, transliteration errors, and plain typos.

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