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Angels Vermillion


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I was thinking about it today, and Angels Vermillion seem to have the least going for them as Blood Angels successors.


- The Angels Sanguine and Angels Encarmine both have really cool visual hooks for painters


- The Flesh Tearers have a full index astartes article and the whole noble condemned warriors feel


- The Lamenters have cursed founding awesomeness, the IA source books and the tragic element of having risked everything for a friend and ally who turned out to be a traitor


- The Blood Drinkers carry on the cool darker vampiric line of the Blood Angels which disappeared in the current codex


- The Knights of the Blood have that whole rebellious, anti-authoritarian thing going on


In contrast to all this, the Angels Vermillion just have a reputation for being anti-social and a slightly darker paint scheme. Even their symbol is barely different but a 'mare to paint. That's it as far as spice from GW goes. Has anyone ever done an army of these guys? I'm feeling the need to resurrect them and give them a new lease of life.

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I picked the Angels Vermillion for 2 reasons.


1) Darker paint scheme but otherwise red.

2) Almost no written fluff so GW won't contradict anything I create.


Every so often we get another AV army on the site, but basically its just me.

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Without realizing it, I painted my BA in an Angels Vermillion scheme. For me, the best thing that scheme has going is that the chest plate symbol isn't black. It stands out in a nice contrast a bit more. I also agree with James in that I didn't want my extreme highlights to go up to orange. Again, this was all accidental as I was new to 40k and didn't know a whole lot about the nuances of the successor chapter.
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The funny thing for me is despite how little official fluff there is for hte AV, they still contradicted what I had planned in the new 5th edition codex. I wanted to make the AV fleet based, having never chosen a new homeworld after leaving Baal when the legions split. But they have a homeworld, Corinal.


I'm not sure why the AV don't interact with other BA chapters (though that is contradicted twice in the new Codex, we come to Mephiston's aide against the Tyranids and it says all BA successors send help to Baal so that would include the AV)

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I'm not sure why the AV don't interact with other BA chapters (though that is contradicted twice in the new Codex, we come to Mephiston's aide against the Tyranids and it says all BA successors send help to Baal so that would include the AV)


They never quite forgave everyone else for sticking them with such a lousy colour to be named after.

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I'm not sure why the AV don't interact with other BA chapters (though that is contradicted twice in the new Codex, we come to Mephiston's aide against the Tyranids and it says all BA successors send help to Baal so that would include the AV)


They never quite forgave everyone else for sticking them with such a lousy colour to be named after.

Oh, is that why the Angels Vermillion don't paint their armor vermillion?
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I'm not sure why the AV don't interact with other BA chapters (though that is contradicted twice in the new Codex, we come to Mephiston's aide against the Tyranids and it says all BA successors send help to Baal so that would include the AV)


They never quite forgave everyone else for sticking them with such a lousy colour to be named after.

Oh, is that why the Angels Vermillion don't paint their armor vermillion?


probably. They probably really wanted to be called "Angels lightish-red" or "Red Angels who happen to drink blood" only they missed the vote and everyone else gave them a terrible nick name.

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