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More than 1 Cleansing Flame

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it's nto actually the difference in wording between Cleansing Flame and Dangerous Terrain that make it so you can't allocate their wounds, it's the difference between both of those, and the standard wounding rules.


Standard wounding rules have you roll against a target's toughness value (or a flat value with poison, Ld with Neural Shredder, etc). The target of a shooting or melee attack is a UNIT, not a MODEL, unless that model is a single-model unit.

Flame and DT tests roll to wound against enemy MODELS, and not against the unit. It's that compartmentalization of the unit's members that prevents the allocation of wounds.


Even sniper units like Telion and the Vindicare target a specific UNIT, and then interrupt the flow of wound allocation with a special rule.

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