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Wargear Question


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Hey Everyone,


I was just wondering if the Codex: Space Marine says that the Tactical Squad gets: a boltgun, power armor, bolt pistol, and krak and frag grenades does that mean that all the models have a both a boltgun and bolt pistol and thus when the marine with the heavy weapon wants to he can fire the bolt pistol instead.



Thanks for taking the time to post.

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Depending on the circumstances, 3 S4 attacks instead of 2, in addition to negating your opponent's ability to charge is very handy. And if you use a combi-flamer and a flamer it gets even better against certain opponents.
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@DarkGuard: What do you mean 3 S4 attacks instead of 2? Are you saying that because each marine is armed for combat with a normal close combat weapon (boltgun rifle butt) and a pistol? and then they charged for a total of 3 attacks for the standard marine.


I know this sounds like I've never played before, but the guys at my store don't play like this. And if this is standard I would like to know.

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Tactical Marines only get 2 attacks on the charge. Perhaps he meant that with firing the bolt pistol and then charging, a Marine will essentially dish out three S4 "attacks" (1 shot and then 2 attacks in close combat), instead of only 2 boltgun shots or not shooting at all and getting 2 attacks in close combat.
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That is indeed what I meant Legatus, sorry for not making that clearer Betawing.


Rapid firing boltguns is brilliant to see, but against the weaker enemies, especially those that can out shoot us, like Guard and Tau, and even some of the more combat enemies that rely on Furious Charge, like Orks, Blood Angels and even Khorne Bezerkers, it may be best to trade that rapid fire for bolt pistols and some close combat option, the former to stop them firing, the latter to deny them the charge.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Exactly that. Also, since all of your tacticals have pistols, it gives you the option of firing the pistols instead of the bolters so that you can then assault (if you really want to;;;;;; :D )


Related Question.


Do your Tacticals have to model the Bolt Pistols, Frag and Krak Grenades for WYSIWYG?

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