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Combat Squad in 2 transports


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The only limit on what squad can deploy in what transport is that your whole squad has to deploy at once (can't have one combat squad start on the board and other in reserve) and that you can't deploy a unit into a dedicated transport that was bought for a different unit. After deployment, there's no limit on what transports you can enter. Your scenario is legal.


For an example of a more complicated setup, if you have one 10-man tac squad with a rhino, one with a razorback, and a heavy support land raider, you could deploy the first squad in the Land Raider, then split the second and deploy half in the razorback, half next to the rhino, then embark to the rhino during the first turn.

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Only the unit that purchased the dedicated transport can start inside. So I don't believe you can start a squad in a Heavy Support Land Raider. You would have to start the next to the Raider and then have them embark on your first turn.


But I don't have my rulebook handy so I may be wrong. :cuss

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Only the unit that purchased the dedicated transport can start inside. So I don't believe you can start a squad in a Heavy Support Land Raider. You would have to start the next to the Raider and then have them embark on your first turn.


But I don't have my rulebook handy so I may be wrong. :D

Yep, incorrect. The HS Land Raider is not a dedicated transport, so any valid unit may start embarked in it.

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Only the unit that purchased the dedicated transport can start inside. So I don't believe you can start a squad in a Heavy Support Land Raider. You would have to start the next to the Raider and then have them embark on your first turn.


But I don't have my rulebook handy so I may be wrong. :D

Yep, incorrect. The HS Land Raider is not a dedicated transport, so any valid unit may start embarked in it.


Only if the LR is bought as a HS slot. On the other hand, if one were to run a squad of termies & buy it as the ded trans then in THAT situation only the Termies would be allowed to begin the game inside of it.

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no, unfortunately. Only the 1 dedicated transport per unit.


This sounds familiar to me, so forgive me for calling it into question...but, no rulebook handy. What's the citation on this?


I think it'd be funny if all this time we've been allowed to take more than one DT per unit; and also, exploitable and dumb.

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This sounds familiar to me, so forgive me for calling it into question...but, no rulebook handy. What's the citation on this?


The only citation for it would be in 3rd or 4th edition rules, where it was a rule. In the current rule set, anyone can enter any transport on their side regardless of whether it's a dedicated transport or not. If a unit is bought on its own, like a HS land raider, anyone can deploy into it. The only limit is that IF and only if a transport is bought as a dedicated transport, only the unit it was bought for can deploy into it.

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no, unfortunately. Only the 1 dedicated transport per unit.


This sounds familiar to me, so forgive me for calling it into question...but, no rulebook handy. What's the citation on this?


I think it'd be funny if all this time we've been allowed to take more than one DT per unit; and also, exploitable and dumb.

Tactical Squad

Dedicated Transport:

• May select a Rhino or a Razorback. If the squad numbers ten models, may take a Drop Pod (see page 135 for points costs).

The "problem" arises because the Rhino or Razorback may be selected, while the Drop Pod is in a seperate sentence, leading some to conclude that it may be selected seperately and in addition to the other sentences choice.

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no, unfortunately. Only the 1 dedicated transport per unit.


This sounds familiar to me, so forgive me for calling it into question...but, no rulebook handy. What's the citation on this?


I think it'd be funny if all this time we've been allowed to take more than one DT per unit; and also, exploitable and dumb.

There is no specific rule that says "A unit can only buy 1 dedicated transport."


But so far there is no codex unit entry that allows buying more than 1 dedicated transport for a unit.

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How about this from IA10?


Under the Siege Master heading;


Command Squad: If you have a Siege Master in the army then he may also be accompanied by a Space Marine Command Squad (see codex space marines). This unit is a HQ choice but does not count against your army's HQ allowance. This Command Squad may also take a Land Raider Prometheus as a dedicated transport.



May ALSO take.

Obviously i know what the rule is meaning, but is there a RAW there for taking a dedicated transport available to a SM command squad and ALSO a Land Raider Prometheus?

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no, unfortunately. Only the 1 dedicated transport per unit.


This sounds familiar to me, so forgive me for calling it into question...but, no rulebook handy. What's the citation on this?


I think it'd be funny if all this time we've been allowed to take more than one DT per unit; and also, exploitable and dumb.

There is no specific rule that says "A unit can only buy 1 dedicated transport."


But so far there is no codex unit entry that allows buying more than 1 dedicated transport for a unit.


Every entry I have seen reads that a unit may take "a dedicated transport" or "any dedicated transport," not "dedicated transports."

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Every entry I have seen reads that a unit may take "a dedicated transport" or "any dedicated transport," not "dedicated transports."

Just to play devil's advocate, what prohibits you from taking a dedicated transport and then taking a dedicated transport? Is there a rule that says you can take a dedicated transport only once. "the unit may take any one of
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Every entry I have seen reads that a unit may take "a dedicated transport" or "any dedicated transport," not "dedicated transports."

Just to play devil's advocate, what prohibits you from taking a dedicated transport and then taking a dedicated transport? Is there a rule that says you can take a dedicated transport only once. "the unit may take any one of
  1. as a dedicated transport." would be unambiguous.

If you want unambiguous, don't look to GW rules... :D

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it should be noted however that combat squads cannot come in from reserve embarked on a transport. If a unit is embarked in reserve it will be unable to combat squad (with the specific excpetion of drop pods) due to the one unit per transport limitation (It should also be noted that super heavy transport do not have this limitation)
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  • 4 weeks later...
You can combat squad the unit when deploying, then entire the DT during the first turn and drive off. You can not, however, start the game combat squaded with part in the DT. The unit must be deployed at once, and deploying in a vehicle is deploying the unit, you can't split after that, nor can you split first. Stupid, yes, but by the rules
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Thats not correct Agrab.

At the start of the game you can deploy half the squad in the transport and the other half elsewhere on the board, (as long as the transport in on the table).


I brought this up at a giant game, and was ruled (by everybody) as incorrect, but I know this was brought up somewhere before. Anyways, I headed to the rules and noticed that it doesn't actually allow you to deploy in the transport, which is a CLEAR oversight (DT even mentions deploying with it, but says the only way in is embarking). Anyways, I'm going to try and find where I got that wording, but I think it has something to do with the fact that you declare where they are deployed during deployment, which means they aren't split yet, and you can't split after that


for now, i'm trusting that you are right

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Thats not correct Agrab.

At the start of the game you can deploy half the squad in the transport and the other half elsewhere on the board, (as long as the transport in on the table).


I brought this up at a giant game, and was ruled (by everybody) as incorrect, but I know this was brought up somewhere before. Anyways, I headed to the rules and noticed that it doesn't actually allow you to deploy in the transport, which is a CLEAR oversight (DT even mentions deploying with it, but says the only way in is embarking). Anyways, I'm going to try and find where I got that wording, but I think it has something to do with the fact that you declare where they are deployed during deployment, which means they aren't split yet, and you can't split after that


for now, i'm trusting that you are right


while it might be different in apocalypse in normal 40k there is no clear or defined order within deployment(individual player) anymore. The only limit which are written are


Dedicated transports can only hold their owners unit with or without attached ic's BRB p67

Reserves/outflank/deep strike BRB p94-95 which makes you declare them then follow the rule from their on which does not affect the other deploying unit.

and the "infiltrators and scouts" BRB p75, p76, & p92

Independent Character rules BRB P48


and some codex specific deployment rules like:

combat sq's C:SM p51 C:DA p........... which is, they can be split up in 2 scenarios after the 10 man jump out of a drop pod to form 2 5man sq's or when deploying them normally in which case nether sq can be reserved for any reason(but can still embark in a transport infiltrate/scout as normal,not outflank as that is reserves).


It can be argued that when deploying a unit they dont have to be in unit coherency during deployment (plz show me book&p# were is says they have to be during deployment ), other then a IC having to be in unit coherency if joining a unit in deployment.

During their first and subsequent turns they will have to get into unit coherency but.


so there is nothing stopping the SeattleDV8's scenario

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