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Blood Angels Battle Force Querey

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I was looking to bolster up my army up with a Battle Force box (in the long ruin it seems to be cheaper) but while browsing I came across the normal space marine one and it seems you get an extra stuff compared to the Blood Angels one


anyway to my question is, is it worth getting the BA one, is the DC unit really better than extra tactical and scout squad you get in the vanilla?


and if this is one of topics that's always mentioned I apologize.

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If I had to get a BA battle force I'd turn the tacticals into stenguard and personally I'd convert the rhino into a RB (or paint it up black for a cheap DC list entry) but I wouldn't actually buy it. If I wanted say 20 assault marines I would buy 2 boxes of RAS and 2 DC and kit-bash. I would actually buy 4 boxes of DC for the job but I don't want to over use the BA bits, I use them more sparsely throughout troop choices. Characters and elites will get the full kit-bash treatment from my never ending box of sprues (I actually just just have all my kit-bash stuff still in the boxes, I've got towers of DC boxes and stuff taking over my house, haha.)
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Argh, get the space marine one. you get more models, for less money.


Try this:


SM Battleforce+Jump Packs = £56.35 for 20 marine, 10 jump packs, 5 scouts, rhino


Rather than the BA Battleforce = £60 for 20 marines, 10 packs, rhino.


You essentially get the scouts for free, and a $4 discount, but no fancy BA icons. Alternatively get the SM battleforce+ a DC box, for £71.75 you get 25 marines, 15 jump packs,rhino, enough BA bits to give everyone something.

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Argh, get the space marine one. you get more models, for less money.


Try this:


SM Battleforce+Jump Packs = £56.35 for 20 marine, 10 jump packs, 5 scouts, rhino


Rather than the BA Battleforce = £60 for 20 marines, 10 packs, rhino.


You essentially get the scouts for free, and a $4 discount, but no fancy BA icons. Alternatively get the SM battleforce+ a DC box, for £71.75 you get 25 marines, 15 jump packs,rhino, enough BA bits to give everyone something.


Or you could go to maelstrom and buy the B.A battleforce for 54 pounds. The real question for blood angels players is "do I need 15 P.A marines without jump packs for my entire army?". Quite a few of us don't. And the scouts are the useless bolter-variety.

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If you want all the units it works out cheaper to get the standard BF box and just buy the Sanguinary Guard and Death Company seperately.
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And the scouts are the useless bolter-variety.


Every other game I play, those scouts with a powerfist prove to be my MVP. Outflank and boom goes there unsuspecting heavy artillery.


To the OP;

Get the space marines box and box of DC. You will get the best of both worlds. Tac squads are great as you only lose the attacks bonus on the charge for two ccw, but you will gain firepower that easily makes up for that loss.


Either way you go you gotta have DC Bling

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If it were me I'd get the standard SM battleforce and a separate DC box (theres more than enough bits in the DC box to filter through the battle force to get a suitable BA feel to each unit).


That is what a GW staffer told me I should do. Flat out told me that it would be cheaper, even worked out all the pricing of just how much cheaper it would be.

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Every other game I play, those scouts with a powerfist prove to be my MVP. Outflank and boom goes there unsuspecting heavy artillery.


To the OP;

Get the space marines box and box of DC. You will get the best of both worlds. Tac squads are great as you only lose the attacks bonus on the charge for two ccw, but you will gain firepower that easily makes up for that loss.




For just a 100 points and a 50% chance of them comming in on turn 2, followed by 2/3 of the popping up where you want to. Nah, not my kind of efficiency. But hey, outside my box seems to be working for you =)


What kind of BA army do you want OP? A mech or DoA? Or a hybrid?

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What kind of BA army do you want OP? A mech or DoA? Or a hybrid?


at the moment I have a DoA but I want to branch out a little bit and get some other units to mix it up abit, I have 5 tactical marines and like 30 RAS (plus alot more stuff but dont need to go into that)

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What kind of BA army do you want OP? A mech or DoA? Or a hybrid?


at the moment I have a DoA but I want to branch out a little bit and get some other units to mix it up abit, I have 5 tactical marines and like 30 RAS (plus alot more stuff but dont need to go into that)


The the SM box is clearly the way to go. I'd paint some of them up as sternguards. For the fun of it, and for the fact that I always wanted to use them.

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