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Knights of Blood WIP

Sun Reaver

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So I have been slowly working on my Knights of Blood army and I can't keep it from the web anymore! I am currently working on painting my Assault Marines and Librarians. But here are some WIP shots of my Vanguard Veterans and Honor Guard. Sorry for the low quality shots, I had to use my cell phone. Note to self: Get camera back from friend's house. :D


First up is the Vanguard Squad. I wanted them to look a bit different from everyone else's so I chopped off limbs here and there and replaced them with bitz that were from the blood angels death company sprue.


Vanguard Veteran Sergeant w/ Thunder Hammer






The rest of the squad










Group Shot





Next up is the Honor Guard. I used the legs from the death company set with the chest pieces from the sanguinary guard set. They will all be wielding plasma guns and have magnetized jump/back packs. I wanted them to stand out from the rest of the army so I made them all bear headed. The heads are from either the death company or space wolves sprues.


Honor Guard








Then we have the second Vanguard Veteran squad. These were made using the legs from the sanguinary guard set and chests from the death company sprue. The heads were either from the space wolves or sanguinary guard set. These guys will look a lot different from the other Vanguard squad but I am going for the difference. The previous squad will count as the second squad in the fifth company while this squad is the first squad a.k.a. the bad asses. XD. They are still WIP.


Vanguard Veteran Squad Bad Ass










I also have some random stuff I am also working on here and there. The black templar you see is going to be used in an upcoming Deathwatch RPG group.








I might sell these last two guys on eBay. I am in need of funds and I don't really have use for a Flesh Tearer and a Tau.


But anyways, here is a brief glimpse of some of the stuff I am working on. I promise the next update I have will come with painted stuff! XD


Sun Reaver

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[Edit]: Looking forward to seeing the new pictures with your camera.


I will however keep an eye on this as I'd love to see a KoB force come together.

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So far, so cool. If you could attach the pictures with one of the different options ie use the tags and I think we can magnify them. Right now the setting you chose is too small to see the details.


I can't wait to see some paint on them!!! :D

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look nice. though i should probably mention vanguard vets ome from the first company and are atached to other companies...(and yes i know kob are renegade but that dosent mean they changed company structure just allegiences)
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look nice. though i should probably mention vanguard vets ome from the first company and are atached to other companies...(and yes i know kob are renegade but that dosent mean they changed company structure just allegiences)


Yes, I do know the Vanguard Veterans come from the veteran company but, I am modeling these two squads to represent squads 1 and 2 from the 5th company. I just wanted the first two squads to be the best in the entire company and this is why they will be using the Vanguard Veteran rules/models.


Thanks for the positive comments everyone. Next update coming very soon!


Sun Reaver

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Double post!!


I am running two librarians, check 'em out. Magnetized back/jump packs too. XD
















Sun Reaver

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From what I can make out these look awesome, but they could really do with bigger pictures of the earlier stuff. Got a link to where you uploaded them?


The librarians I can see in their full glory and they look awesome! I love the battle damage and the shading on the blue is flawless. Have you got recipies for how you did these by any chance?

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From what I can make out these look awesome, but they could really do with bigger pictures of the earlier stuff. Got a link to where you uploaded them?


The librarians I can see in their full glory and they look awesome! I love the battle damage and the shading on the blue is flawless. Have you got recipies for how you did these by any chance?


Thanks for the kind words. Unfortunately, I do not have better versions of the initial photos. Those pictures are still dark and blurry even when expanded, I mean it is cell phone quality.


The Librarians are my pride and joy. :D


The battle damage was quite easy. Here is an example of how it works: You paint up the armor however you desire, and then you get chardonite granite and paint very small lines here and there to represent wear and tear. Make sure you make this look realistic and that all the scratches have some sort of uniformity in them, otherwise it will look very odd. Once that is complete, just get a brighter version of the initial armor color and paint the highest points on the armor and underneath and to the sides of the battle damage. So for example red gore armor followed by a highlight of blood red. Then we get the chardonite granite and add the battle damage. Then we mix a bit of kommando khaki with the blood red and then highlight the armor and battle damage. I hope that wasn't too confusing.


The blue was done by starting out with regal blue and then I kept adding in some enchanted blue until I achieved the desired effect. I also added a bit of ice blue on the final highlight to make it stand out a bit more. You can notice it better in person.


Next update coming soon!


Sun Reaver

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