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Combined/multiple assaults, and disengaged units


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Last night at the FLGS, I was asked about a situation at another table.

It was a Ork versus Daemon fight.


The Orks had a unit of Meganobz engaged in melee with a Soul Grinder, and a unit of standard Nobz engaged with both the Soul Grinder and a unit of Daemonettes.

After the fight was over, the Soul Grinder was dead. The standard Nobz were still engaged with the Daemonettes, but the Meganobz were not (and never were).

The players wanted to know if the Meganobz were free to make a Consolidation move, to which I said "yes."


My reasoning was that the Meganobz were never engaged in melee with the Daemonettes, as no Meganob was based with a Daemonette at any point in the scrum. Once the Grinder was dead, the Meganobz were free to move away, as the only enemy unit they were engaged with was now missing.


Now, if any of the Meganobz had based a Daemonette, they'd have been forced to Pile In to the surviving Daemonettes, as they were engaged with the unit at one point, even if they didn't attack it, or if the engaged Daemonettes had been removed as casualties.




As an aside, could the Daemonettes have used their Defenders React move to move to base contact with Meganobz models, if the Meganobz had only declared an assault against the Grinder and not based any Daemonettes? The standard Nobz were engaged with both, but I'm not sure touching the Megas would be a vlaid move, as they never targeted the Daemonettes.

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After the assault resolution, all units that were involved in that multiple combat must make pile-in moved towards enemies that fought in that combat. If a unit's pile-in cannot reach any such enemies, the unit must move as close as possible to the enemy to allow them to pile-in to contact.


So looks to me that you may have called it wrong this one time ShinyRhino, sorry. I can see your reasoning behind it, but it looks like the BRB says that the Mega Nobz would have piled into the Daemonettes after finishing off the Soul Grinder, even if they hadn't been in base contact with them beforehand. The multiple assault includes all of those units, and so the Daemonettes must be engaged is possible.


EDIT: just saw the other question:


models must be moved into base contact with models from any of the units that they are fighting, not just the enemies that just assaulted them.


Again, I'd say this looks clear cut. As long as they part of the same multiple assault, the Daemonettes can use their Defenders React move to get close to the Mega Nobz if they want.

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you did it wrong. A multi-assult in not multiple independent assaults, but one large assault with more than 2 units. Every unit in the assault count as being in the assault with each other regardless of weather they are in btb. so even if the all models from the unit are not engaged, the units are still locked in combat. As such the meganobz and deamonettes should have used their pile in moves to become engaged. You can only dissengage from an assault if all enemy participants of the assault are dead, or if after both your and thier pile in moves you are not in btb (or with certain special rules such as hit and run).
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Gotcha, thanks guys. So, the key to that whole shebang was that the standard Nobz multicharged the Grinder and the 'Nettes, thereby engaging the Daemonettes with the Megas by association. Because of the bulk of the Grinder and the orientation of the fight, the Nettes couldn't Pile In to the Megas during the initial React move. IIRC, the Megas would have had to go over the hull of the dead Grinder to reach the Daemonettes in order to attempt to base them in the post-combat moves (Orks would have had to move first, since it was their player turn).
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yeah as crappy as it sounds a multi-assault is a big dog pile, i once used it to destroy an ork warboss and nobs unit..

he had a warboss and several boz with painboy just bundled out of a warwagon id melta'd, next to this he had a dozen+ lootas..

i charged a 5 man unit into the nobz unit and put one of them into base to base with a loota, who were also charged by a big assault unit.


needless to say the 5 man squad was killed, but becuase he couldnt move up to contact my assault unit i cause ALOT more wounds and ran him off the table..

even though they werent in contact with anyone at the end of combat, they were still part of the combat and still had to take a test.

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Heh, that's harsh GC08. But it makes sense in a way. The Boss and his Nobz, while unafraid of the 5 Astartes that died, witnessed the carnage wreaked upon the Lootas and broke.


All good information... I've always focused on shooting, so I've never been forced to learn all the intricacies of assault. You guys are a gold mine :)

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Heh, that's harsh GC08. But it makes sense in a way. The Boss and his Nobz, while unafraid of the 5 Astartes that died, witnessed the carnage wreaked upon the Lootas and broke.


the thing is scouts arent great at taking on 'uber units' so you have to think laterally to win.. the powerfist chap in the 5 man unit did kill a nob too, so i like to think the ork that died was popular amongst his mates :).. and they had to run away to pull out his teef or something

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