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Forge world assault squads.

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But I don't like this turbins... they are out of place there.... to small, to sircular...


Waaaaaaayyyy better than the metal ones: waaaay smaller and not even near circular (oval, or worse, bean-shaped if one is unlucky enough... like me <_< )


But heck, I dig (but not buy!) these :lol:

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I like them. I think a few mixed in here and there would add some character to regular assault squads. As pointed add they look a little gawky but they are endearing. I am not so much a big fan of the Chainswords. Like Chaos ones better but the chest plates, armour and helms are cool.
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They cost £32 for five am they are nice but not that nice. its bad enough GW expect me to pay €25 for five normal assault marines! I just go to ebay and buy second hand assault marines. I bought 25 for around €40 a few weeks back.
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Have to say I love the MkVs, they'll make it into my army, probably as regular BAs or maybe as Flesh Tearers forced to re-use the less effective mark Vs in use due to lack of resources.
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I may grab the MK V set for my other power armor project (chomp), but not my BA successor.


I just can't see a more modern Chapter using the superior jump packs from the good ol' days.

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