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How do you do your red?

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This has always been a favourite of mine, as red has been notoriously hard to paint in a beliveable fashion.


With the latest GW range, I do my red this way:


1. Mecharite Red base

2. Scab red drybrush

3. heavy Baal Red wash

4. light drybrush Scab Red

5. drybrush blood red

6. light wash baal red

7. light drybrush blood red

8. crazy light drybrush blazing orange


It sounds sort of time consuming, but gives a red quite close to flesh tearers. Perfect for the Blood Donators and their constant blood drive (Blood for the Blood-bus!).

I wish I had some pictures, but there is no point in doing that as it photographs extremely poorly. They have a worn look, and take me like... 2 hours to finish the reds for five

models. And some drying time.



How do you do yours?

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Chaos black spray undercoat


A few layers of thinned mechrite red

2 layers of thinned blood red

Wash with devlan mud getting right into the recesses

Dry brush with blood red leaving the devlan mud in the recesses

Highlight with blazing orange

Fine highlight with vomit brown

Wash with Baal red to level it all out and tone the highlights down


And that's it (I think)

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hate these threads especially when theres no piccys...

and dread lift im intreguied... wanna see that...

maby we should have a thread purely for how we do our reds with only posts with pictorial evidence being kept in...


anyway mine is currently(keeps changing)


black undercoat

mercherite red base(thinned slightely so 2 coats usually)

Red Ink( i stockpiled;))

Black wash(i used to use heavily waterd down chaos black, now i sometimes use that or babdab black, sometimes both...)

touch up with red gore


looks like my sig. but for more look around my other piccys here..


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hate these threads especially when theres no piccys...

and dread lift im intreguied... wanna see that...

maby we should have a thread purely for how we do our reds with only posts with pictorial evidence being kept in...


anyway mine is currently(keeps changing)


black undercoat

mercherite red base(thinned slightely so 2 coats usually)

Red Ink( i stockpiled;))

Black wash(i used to use heavily waterd down chaos black, now i sometimes use that or babdab black, sometimes both...)

touch up with red gore


looks like my sig. but for more look around my other piccys here..



I remember you saying you stocked up on red ink, bastard, lol


Can you remember the glazes? I used to love those, you could make your armour really polished looking.

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hate these threads especially when theres no piccys...

and dread lift im intreguied... wanna see that...

maby we should have a thread purely for how we do our reds with only posts with pictorial evidence being kept in...


anyway mine is currently(keeps changing)


black undercoat

mercherite red base(thinned slightely so 2 coats usually)

Red Ink( i stockpiled;))

Black wash(i used to use heavily waterd down chaos black, now i sometimes use that or babdab black, sometimes both...)

touch up with red gore


looks like my sig. but for more look around my other piccys here..



Well, just to make you a bit happier, I took this xD:




Unfortunetly, it's the middle of the night, so no natural or good light in my home. Will update during the day with a better pic.

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I'm doing my red as follows:


Basecoat black

Mechrite Red

Purple (Leviathan?) wash

Scab red

purple wash

scab red on high ground

blood red on very high ground


no camera available for pics, sorry.

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Right then, I now have a bit better light. This is fairly descriptive of my overvall painting-style as well.






Might add:


the gold is:

1. black base

2. dwarf bronze coat

3. drybrush shining gold

4. wash grypaphone sephia

5. drybrysh shining gold

6. drybrush burnished gold


the grey/blue parts:

1. bascoat of astronomican gray

2. wash of asurmen blue

3. drybrush fortress gray

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I'd have to first say that what techniques work for one, may not work for another. That said my method is extremely easy and suitable for tabletop quality.


1) Black basecoat


2) Dry brush whole model white


3) Dry brush Blood Red


4) Touch up and detail as normal



You'll be surprised with the results.

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Lol, I'm lazy, I use the Red Primer spray paint from Halfords on my BA and it looks great. :teehee:


Really, you got a pic?

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Mine is pretty simple.


1. Chaos Black undercoat.

2. 1:1 Blood Red & Skull White basecoat.

3. Pure Blood Red.

4. Wash with 1:1 Baal Red & Gryphonne Sephia (with small addition of Matt Varnish)

5. Highlight with 1:1 Blazing Orange & Blood Red

5. Highlight (thinner lines) with 2:1:1 Blazing Orange & Blood Red & Skull White (and do blending if possible).


The result is available through BA link in my sig.

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Lol, I'm lazy, I use the Red Primer spray paint from Halfords on my BA and it looks great. :D


Which GW paint does it match/come close to? I've been using Army Painter's Pure Red, which exactly matches GW blood Red, but a cheaper alernative would be great!

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Prime Black

Mechrite red (2 thin coats)

Wash with Ball red/devlan mud mud wash mix

Mechrite red/blood red 50/50 mix

Blood red


I am undecided how to highlight from here but the base colour is great for me!



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Red Ink( i stockpiled;))


I remember you saying you stocked up on red ink, bastard, lol


Can you remember the glazes? I used to love those, you could make your armour really polished looking.


:tu: actuall my local toymaster still has some inks left. try local indies as you might still be able to get some if you want them. and actually its not too shiney because of the wash, but is just right for me. and i was never bothered with glazesas im never happy with my work ad keep comming back to them and touching it up and improving. glazes make that awkward. saying that i always wanted to get crackel glaze to work, if i could the effects i could do... :D

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Prime Black

Mechrite red (2 thin coats)

Wash with Ball red/devlan mud mud wash mix

Mechrite red/blood red 50/50 mix

Blood red


I am undecided how to highlight from here but the base colour is great for me!




Though I have some Vallejo's on order since I am appalled at GW prices for their paint now...So this may change slightly!

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