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Guardians of Brair

Nickles 138 SUP

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If you wish to skip all the history of the Planet then you can go to paragraph 7 where I tell how a marine is made for the chapter.



In the Vieled Region of the Segmenum Sector, between the systems of Calderia and Myr, lies a planet called Brair. For over 300 years this planet had been besieged by the powers of Chaos. For over seven generations the people of this world had to fight for survival before they even left their front door. But now that time has gone, and a new age of prosperity and war has begun.


Before the planet was consumed by the maw of the Warp, a detachment of Black Guard, direct descendants of the Raven Guard, were positioned on the planet to oversee a massive discovery. They were to oversee the reclaiming of a fortress more ancient than the Imperium itself. The place was called Kazeeda Hold.


Over the 300 years the planet was at constant war with the followers of Tzeench. With only the conscription of locals, the Caldierian 22nd Regiment, and the assistance of 200 marines, the world fought and survived. It all led to the final act. Man's last stand against the powers of Chaos, at the gates of Kazeeda Hold. With under 27,000 soldiers and thirty marines, the forces of the Imperium made their last stand.


Kazeeda Hold is called so due to the fact that the leader of the Chaos forces was a great daemon called Kazeeda, who was slain by the glorious efforts of Inquisitor Eric Vanderhyne. Sadly Eric Vanderhyne died due to battle wounds given by the great daemon Kazeeda.


As the forces of Chaos were defeated, the world reemerged from the Warp, only to be caught in the midst of hive fleet Leviathan. The Imperial Battle ship Undaunted Fury and its fleet were given orders, by the Ordor Malius to use exterminautus against the planets in the given sector. Unfortunately it had to pop out of the warp due to the fact that the Tyranids had caught up. With out the help of the orbital defense weapons of Kazeeda Hold, the Undaunted Fury and its fleet would have been destroid.


That is the history of the planet Brair. Now, a thousand years have passed since Brair was consumed by the Warp, and its people have found their place in the Imperium.



Brair is a very complex place, not only does it have the privilege to boast about its own Space Marine chapter, The Back Guard (or Guardians for short), it produces a massive supply of weapons, armor, and Imperial Guard Regiments. Since the planet holds a mass twice that of Terra, the planet is fairly large and is made up of several large Islands. With a population of almost eight bullion people, Brair produces around 600 Marines and over 1.8 million Imperial Guard every ten Years.


The process of recruitment is harsh. Every Family must give their first born child to the Imperium, after that families can give children willingly to the Imperium. That is around 2 bullion babies every ten years are picked to possibly become a soldier of the Imperium or even a Space Marine. The babies are placed through harsh genetic changes. These mutations to their genetic code are to help the baby become stronger and make acceptance of the Gene Seed more accessible later in life. only a tenth of the children make it to the age of five.


When the child is finally able to walk and speak, it is placed into groups of six. They are all given a number and are told that these are their brothers and sisters. For the rest of their lives they will learn together, fight together, and die together. By the age of eight one child of the six will be shot. This will leave only those who are naturally born lucky alive. at the age of 16 two more will have died due to harsh challenges and by the age of 20, only one out of three teams have survive the harsh conditions of their tainted home world.


by the age of 21 only 15 million of the 2 bullion are still alive. Now comes the challenge to see if their genetic modifications were effective, only 1 out of 35 recruits at this time are seen compatible for the genetic Implant, only 1 out of twelve well survive the process, and out of them only 600 will be granted the honor of wearing the Chapters Power Armor. To become a Space marine on Brair is a 1/3,333,333 chance. To be a Guardian is the greatest honor for a person and for their family.


I write more soon... Finals man...

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