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Blood Angel heros of old


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And the Sanguinary High Priests could get their OWN Honor Guard...


Oh, and Lemartes was still sane. He could completely control the Black Rage, and was a supreme figure of inspiration :ermm:.

I mean, yeah, Astaroth is sweet, and Lemartes is still sweet, but I miss how he could control it. (Though his model is far superior).


As for Moriar, like the others said, I don't think there was an official model for him. I miss his Tear Attack though :/

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And what of Sgt. Cluetin?
As for the keeper of the shroud, i have no idea.
As I recall, Sgt. Cluetin never had a model, but I found it strange that someone as important as the 'Keeper of the Shroud' just disappears.


Not only is the Keeper missing, the Shroud has been completely removed from the chapter banner! I couldn't believe it when I first saw the SG and the 'new' chapter banner. It must be another case of Inquisition mind-wipe or something...

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Really? I don't remember ever seeing any others than the robed guy holding the grail and shroud. In the new dex and WD they show a bunch of different banners, like the grail and sword version the SG have.


Maybe my memory is just failing me in my old age, I'll have to take a look at the old codexes tonight.

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page 68 with a few of the other chapter banners. also says most chapters have a few...

Yes, I know. But that is a total retcon and that is the point. The banner in the middle at the top of page 68 is the true chapter banner, and has been for as long as I can remember. In fact the so-called chapter banner to the right with the shield is listed in WD as the Company banner for 5th co.


The point I was trying to make, and apparently failing, was that not only did the Keeper of the Shroud get completely left out of the new dex, so did the shroud. I guess it does appear there on p.68 but why not on the SG banner? I was thinking that they where trying to make Sanguinius less "Jesus-like" but then in the Chaplains fluff bit they go on about how BAs believe that Sanguinius can hear their prayers :tu: .

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dont really think thats a retconn, just extra addition to the fluff. though it think its always been that there is more than one baner for chapters, just that they havent shown or mentioned it. isnt there supposedly a great hall in most chapters monasteies with many of their banners lining the walls? it makes sense. also the shroud banner is carried by dantes personal bodyguard as shown on page 67...
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