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The Don'ts of Traitor geneseed


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So, back on topic for a second. :)


A question does occur to me - what if someone were to make a DIY Chapter that had traitor geneseed, and went on to turn against the Imperium?


Would you consider that more acceptable than making a Chapter of loyal World Eaters / Alpha Legion / any of the other traitor legions?




Thought I'd better add the rest of the traitor legions.

Forgot there was more than two, evidently. :D

  Ace Debonair said:
So, back on topic for a second. :P


A question does occur to me - what if someone were to make a DIY Chapter that had traitor geneseed, and went on to turn against the Imperium?


Would you consider that more acceptable than making a Chapter of loyal World Eaters / Alpha Legion / any of the other traitor legions?




Thought I'd better add the rest of the traitor legions.

Forgot there was more than two, evidently. :lol:


As part of the Cursed Founding, tinkering to improve the loyalty.. Would be an interesting concept, but what could the Curse be?

  Banelord said:
  Octavulg said:
Warhounds aren't so bad. It's once you start getting into Warlords and Reavers that there are problems. Of course, the Traitors can call on Titan Legions, too.


Still. It wouldn't exactly be a pushover.



Don't forget the Imperator Emperor Class Titian :P and if the Legio Ordo Sinister get involved, well they got 12 of them :lol:


They're a warm-up act compared to the Divisio Telepathica.

  Captain Juan Juarez said:
As part of the Cursed Founding, tinkering to improve the loyalty.. Would be an interesting concept, but what could the Curse be?

Well, the obvious one is to have them fall to Chaos worship really quickly. ;)


Otherwise, I'd say that depends on the geneseed.


I'd have it impact on whatever positive qualitites you wanted the geneseed to bestow, so they're essentially a watered-down version of whichever-traitor-legion, and have anyone who knows about their origins more than a little disappointed they didn't recreate the Night Lords/Luna Wolves/Emperor's Children/Etc of old.


But that might just be me pitching silly ideas again.

  Ace Debonair said:
  Captain Juan Juarez said:
As part of the Cursed Founding, tinkering to improve the loyalty.. Would be an interesting concept, but what could the Curse be?

Well, the obvious one is to have them fall to Chaos worship really quickly. :ermm:


Otherwise, I'd say that depends on the geneseed.


I'd have it impact on whatever positive qualitites you wanted the geneseed to bestow, so they're essentially a watered-down version of whichever-traitor-legion, and have anyone who knows about their origins more than a little disappointed they didn't recreate the Night Lords/Luna Wolves/Emperor's Children/Etc of old.


But that might just be me pitching silly ideas again.


No, I think those a good ideas.


I would also say the curse could possibly include fanaticism, lower thinking skills, or more susceptibility to either taint or "bad luck." Maybe they lose more ships in the warp?

  Telanicus said:
  Ace Debonair said:
  Captain Juan Juarez said:
As part of the Cursed Founding, tinkering to improve the loyalty.. Would be an interesting concept, but what could the Curse be?

Well, the obvious one is to have them fall to Chaos worship really quickly. :)


Otherwise, I'd say that depends on the geneseed.


I'd have it impact on whatever positive qualitites you wanted the geneseed to bestow, so they're essentially a watered-down version of whichever-traitor-legion, and have anyone who knows about their origins more than a little disappointed they didn't recreate the Night Lords/Luna Wolves/Emperor's Children/Etc of old.


But that might just be me pitching silly ideas again.


No, I think those a good ideas.


I would also say the curse could possibly include fanaticism, lower thinking skills, or more susceptibility to either taint or "bad luck." Maybe they lose more ships in the warp?


If they were to be unlucky, Id imagine it would be similiar bad luck to what the Lamenters get i.e. the chapter gets screwed over for being in the wrong place at the wrong time etc.

  Epistolary Exander said:
  Telanicus said:
No, I think those a good ideas.


I would also say the curse could possibly include fanaticism, lower thinking skills, or more susceptibility to either taint or "bad luck." Maybe they lose more ships in the warp?


If they were to be unlucky, Id imagine it would be similiar bad luck to what the Lamenters get i.e. the chapter gets screwed over for being in the wrong place at the wrong time etc.

I'd have the precise nature of the curse vary from genseed to geneseed, but basically I'd have it emulate the worst parts of the legion in question rather than the best.


Or the experiment to recreate the loyalists could work brilliantly, but you have them fall to Chaos in a different way.


For instance, say you made a Chapter using Angron's geneseed, which eventually get themselves a reputation for always fighting long past the point they should give up and not caring about casualties. Then say you have them corrupted by Nurgle one way or another, so they can keep fighting even longer. :D


Or make some Slaaneshi Death Guard. Or Tzeentchian Night Lords. :)


...But again, I suppose the key question is, why do any of that when you can basically do the exact same thing but easier with loyalist gene-seed?

  TheDVoid said:
There are many chapters of unknown gene-seed stock. Many of unknown foundings,

How do we know the imperium is NOT using the gene-seed. There is but one that

Could not be used and that is the thousand sons as the rubric would take effect.

Is that so?
  Reveal hidden contents


  Valkyrion said:
Well...is it actually a fact?
Just to be on the safe side


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In the "Blood Ravens Omnibus" Arhiman calls the stranded Librarian "brother". Whether this is just a common greeting from marine to marine or only from those that share a heritage, I don't know. In Dawn of War Dark Crusade Eliphas calls Thule brother as well but only mockingly.

At the End of the Blood Ravens Omnibus, the newest Battle-Brother Ckrius has tentacles for hands at the end of the transformation process.

Their whole fluff is very leaky. Five years ago (or whatever) if someone laid out their fluff in Liber on this site they'd be given a C- Must Try Harder lovetap from the Liber buffs.


I don't deny it's possible, but whilst the intrigue behind the missing legions is interesting, the intrigue of the BR makes me hope DOWIII has them all mutate into multi laser armed eldar warp far spider seers with ork names. IMO, that is the only fitting end to that chapter.

  Quixus said:

Close enough to a four-hour delayed double-post.


Just when I thought I'd seen everything.


I wasn't under the impression that the Rubric effected the geneseed, although I admit I don't know too much about the subject.

  TheDVoid said:
There are many chapters of unknown gene-seed stock. Many of unknown foundings,

How do we know the imperium is NOT using the gene-seed. There is but one that

Could not be used and that is the thousand sons as the rubric would take effect.

Are there actually many chapters whose gene-seed is unknown to them as well, not just unknown to us? There is quite a big difference (for example, we don't know who the Squad Leader is in the 6th Squad of the Imperial Fists 3rd Company, but I am guessing the Imperial Fists do :D). If we are going on what we don't know is true, then this forum might as well shut down with regards to critque. We don't know the Imperium is secretly run by two Italian Plumbers, but I am sure if I wrote a chapter about such I would be mocked (and hopefully make people laugh as well.) We don't know if the Imperium really controls the Warp and just uses it to test the strength of their people....can you see where this is going? :P


We can only go one what we do know and we know that there is no concrete evidence to suggest that any chapter has been founded (outside of the 13th/21st) that uses Traitor Gene-seed.

  • 1 month later...

I know this is kind of old, but i'll say it anyway!


The ONLY geneseed that I could see being used would be Magnus' geneseed. This is because it offers the only thing that you can't train (psyonic ability).


In addition, Magnus said that the Ksons geneseed was harvested at an ill-omened time, so the Magnus geneseed in the vault COULD actually be stable...


We also pretty much KNOW that they did it before!


I could see someone trying this specific geneseed simply because you cannot train psychic power. And maybe the imperium needs chapters with more psychic powers!

Oh, this again. :)


I'd say you could always give it a shot provided you don't just copy/paste the pre-heresy legions. That's rather boring (and makes your chapter suffer from MISS - how come your lads haven't gone all chaos-y when the original legions and their Primarch decided to jump on the dark side bandwagon?)


I'd say it's possible to do loyalist-traitors, but only with exceptional writing, a very interesting and characterful Chapter (different from the old legions!), and to be on the safe side, killing them off or turning them to Chaos anyway. :P

  skamp said:
since were on the topic of geneseeds............what does a geneseed look like? i always pictured it looking like some form of frog egg lol


The traitor geneseeds look like a miniature skull-and-crossbones.


That's the real reason why the High Lords don't use them.


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