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vindicare questions

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just for my sanity, i want to cover the turbo pen


he has a sniper rifle so it has S3 vs vehicles is that right?

you then use 4D6 for pen at AP1..


with rending is it one D3 extra for each 6 you roll from the 4D6, or are you capped at a single D3 no matter how many 6's?


so youd use 3+4D6 plus rending right


thanks in advance

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I think rending per dice, like a Carnifex with rending claws was 2D6+2D3+S in 4th ed.



I remembered that rending was different in 4th. Sorry.


p31 rule book;


'...against vehicles an armour penetration roll of 6 allows a further D3 to be rolled with the result added to the score...'


and 5th ed FAQ:


Q: How does a monstrous creatureʼs 2D6 roll for armour

penetration in close combat work if the creatureʼs Attacks

have the Rending rule as well? (p31)

A: The player gets to add a D3 to the total for each dice

that comes up with a 6. So, if either of the two dice is a

six, the total penetration roll will be 2D6+D3+S; if both

were 6s, the total would be 12+2D3+S (which you donʼt

need to roll anyway, as it is more than enough to penetrate

the thickest armour!).


The only sticking point is that a Vindicare isn't a monstrous creature, but I think the rules will apply.

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thanks guys..

mathematically it doesnt matter i suppose, rolling a double 6 (from the 4 dice) is 15 on the pen roll without adding rending or the other two dice..

it matters little


however a potential 39 pen makes it the deadliest anti tank round going.

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And a potential 7 makes it (one of) the weakest.


But you shouldn't have much problem penetrating with an average roll of 14 + 3 anyway.


Rendings a bit odd on any multi dice penetration. If you roll a 6 you won't need the extra D3 and you only need the extra D3 if you don't roll a 6. I think there should be a rule similar to Instant Death - if you penetrate the targets armour by double you automatically destroy it.


Anyway, thats anothe debate for another time.

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There will be instances when you rend and need the extra D3, for instance the other dice didn't roll high. There will, however, be times when you roll two rending hits, and therefore don't need the extra 2D3.
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thanks guys..

mathematically it doesnt matter i suppose, rolling a double 6 (from the 4 dice) is 15 on the pen roll without adding rending or the other two dice..

it matters little


however a potential 39 pen makes it the deadliest anti tank round going.


Aye, minimum with 2 6s rolled is 3+6+6+1+1... which is quite a bit more than 14 and the rend or rends don't need to be rolled at all.

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