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Raven Guard Venerable Dreadnought Pallas


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All up I spent around 14-15 hours on Pallas, that's more than I'd hoped but I think the results speak for themselves ;) I've left the FW banner off the model - I just couldn't get the black and white cloth areas to work to my satisfaction, I'll come back to it when the army is complete and I've got time for luxuries. And now, here he is:


Bigger pictures:





Front left quarter (and finally a pic showing the purple properly!)


Rear quarter


Front right quarter




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hey SCC

im a big fan of your raven guard, black is actually incredibly difficult to get right, its all about the higlights and little details.

the gemstones/lasersights are done to perfection on this and stand out amazingly.

the base too is amazingly done.


im not sure if im entitled to critique a model this good, but if you get time i think the scrollwork would look great with some scripture written on.


just a quick Q, i noticed the white has a hint of blue/grey, did you use a space wolf grey base, its the same method i use.. i really like the shading effect it gives white..

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I keep planning on doing a decal sheet for purity seals GC08 - something with aquilas and RG symbols and stuff as well as just squiggles. I was pretty happy with the base, I actually pulled it apart two or three times and changes it to get it right. The white is:


  • Undercoat: Black undercoat
  • Basecoat: Adeptus Battle Grey
  • Basecoat 2: Astronomicon Grey (this'll be the blue-grey you can see as an undertone)
  • First highlight: 50/50 AG + Reaper Dragon White (as Skull White)
  • Wash: Vallejo Pale Grey Wash
  • 2nd highlight: Dragon White
  • Wash: Vallejo Pale Grey Wash
  • Tidy up highlights


As for the lenses, I cheat ;)


I buy Greif lenses from my local model train shop - about AU $4 gets four the size of the red on on the wreath or two of the big weapons targeter ones. I love em, so easy to use, such a good result.


They go by a variety of different names - Greif lenses is the most common name but MV Products call 'em Realistic Light Lenses, Roundhouse sell Marker Lamp Jewels (these are faceted - like the yellow one used here, rather than round/lens-like and make great decoration) and so on. Drill a small hole - the lenses are symmetrical so they need a depression to sit in properly, add a dab of superglue, place and grin :D


Just be careful not to varnish them they don't seem to like that....

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As for the lenses, I cheat ;)


Ah, youd never tell though, your too honest :D


a friend of mine uses vallejo paints, applebarrell and a few others, hes very much oldschool..

ive used GW since the beginning, go with what you know.. if you know what i mean..


anyhoo dready looks great,

the decals sounds like a great idea but could be quite tricky to get it to fit right, ive never had much luck with decals..

post up the results, it would be interesting to see how it turns out

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Your pics are very helpfull, all angles to show all the details, I keep coming back to your posts for reference for my raven guard. but enough asskissin.

is the recipe for your green laurel the same as the green in your tutorial? I've tried a basecoat of orkhide, then layering an oop colour woodland green, adding tiny amounts of yellow for the fine highlighting but it doesn't look quite right

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