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Seth in a Desent of Angles list?


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Im Playing a Knights of blood Desent of angles Army im doing them closer to chaos. my marines are made form blood angels, dark angles ,black templar, chaos space marine and Khorne bits. I want to use the Gabriel Seth Rules for my HQ because I want to use the Khorne lord model as my Hq. but the rest of the army is DOA. I thought about drop poding him or putting him in a rhino but It seems that if he drop pods or is the only rhino on the field it would get destroyed turn one.


I guess the question I need to know is if you only have 1 drop pod in your army does it have to come down turn one? can I hold it in reserve and roll for it starting turn two?


I have kicked around the idea of running him in a stormraven with an assault squad. but I feel that Death company would be better in a storm raven and don't really have plans to ever run two Ravens.


also would it be better to run him with a assault squad or a tooled up honour guard?



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Im Playing a Knights of blood Desent of angles Army im doing them closer to chaos. my marines are made form blood angels, dark angles ,black templar, chaos space marine and Khorne bits. I want to use the Gabriel Seth Rules for my HQ because I want to use the Khorne lord model as my Hq. but the rest of the army is DOA. I thought about drop poding him or putting him in a rhino but It seems that if he drop pods or is the only rhino on the field it would get destroyed turn one.


I guess the question I need to know is if you only have 1 drop pod in your army does it have to come down turn one? can I hold it in reserve and roll for it starting turn two?


I have kicked around the idea of running him in a stormraven with an assault squad. but I feel that Death company would be better in a storm raven and don't really have plans to ever run two Ravens.


also would it be better to run him with a assault squad or a tooled up honour guard?




It has to come in on turn 1. You could buy the death company a drop pod and drop that empty on turn 1, and then use RAS with drop pod and Seth. The death company comes in with the raven.

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Seth can join a Death Company squad, AND he would then also benefit from the Chaplain's re-roll to hit on the charge if you don;t want to use the Whirlwind of Death rule. So just do that?
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Seth can join a Death Company squad, AND he would then also benefit from the Chaplain's re-roll to hit on the charge if you don;t want to use the Whirlwind of Death rule. So just do that?



Ok so Seth a chaplin and 8 death company come down in a drop pod turn 1 this would be a hard unit to get rid of and could take a lot of fire. I might try this and see how it works.


Should I arm the death company with bolters to take advantage of relentless?

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Seth can join a Death Company squad, AND he would then also benefit from the Chaplain's re-roll to hit on the charge if you don;t want to use the Whirlwind of Death rule. So just do that?



Ok so Seth a chaplin and 8 death company come down in a drop pod turn 1 this would be a hard unit to get rid of and could take a lot of fire. I might try this and see how it works.


Should I arm the death company with bolters to take advantage of relentless?


As you'll be dropping in, yes.

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