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Is it legal to use FW/Imperial Armour models in Apocalypse?

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Greetings Battle Brothers.


I wonder if the use of Forge World/Imperial Armour in Apocalypse games is legal.

I know about the quarrel concerning Forge World minis and standard Warhammer 40K. It seems in those circumstances the consent of the opponent is required but what about Apocalypse games?


One of the last sections of Apocalypse rulebook explicitly mentions the use of Forge World/ Imperial Armour models, thus it seems they are allowed in Apocalypse games without any further action.

Thera are several interesting models I'd like to add to my collection but i don't want to invest money in something I cannot play.


What do you think? and what about models with "Experimetal rules"? There are so many minis with Experimental Rules on FW site and I wonder if their rules are fair enough to be used in an Apocalypse game without gaining unreasonable advantage or suffering a significat disadvantage.


Thank You for your help.

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Anything is possible if you ask an opponent first. There is no rule that explicitly says they can't be used, but, the view is that FW items are undercosted (points) for their potential in game impact – and given that Apoc is a bit of a free-for-all game extension – that some extremely powerful armies might thus appear crammed with super-heavies and gargantuan creatures.


As for the Experimental Rules question, the same reply applies.


All said and done FW stuff is great fun, and Apoc is the same. The combination is a great way to spend a few hours outrageous gaming.

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Apocalypse is meant to be played amongst friends.


Some models are listed with rules in Apoc books, and the only production model is made by FW.


There is no hard and fast answer other than ask the people you're playing.

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Greetings Battle Brothers.


I wonder if the use of Forge World/Imperial Armour in Apocalypse games is legal.

I know about the quarrel concerning Forge World minis and standard Warhammer 40K. It seems in those circumstances the consent of the opponent is required but what about Apocalypse games?


One of the last sections of Apocalypse rulebook explicitly mentions the use of Forge World/ Imperial Armour models, thus it seems they are allowed in Apocalypse games without any further action.

Thera are several interesting models I'd like to add to my collection but i don't want to invest money in something I cannot play.


What do you think? and what about models with "Experimetal rules"? There are so many minis with Experimental Rules on FW site and I wonder if their rules are fair enough to be used in an Apocalypse game without gaining unreasonable advantage or suffering a significat disadvantage.


Thank You for your help.



Yes you can :teehee: but if you think any of the rules might causes issues talk with the other players first. If they really won't then in most cases they have issues and it might not be worth playing against them :).

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There isnt really any rules in apocalypse- its a collection of- admittedly very good- house rules on playing huge games.


The number of strategic assets, the placement of objectives, how to score with them, how to determinse setup or deployment zones- its all open to conversation.


99% of groups out there allow FW rules in apocalypse though. Its always worth a quick 'hey, you guys use book X/Y or Z?' though.

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Thank You for your answers, Battle Brothers.


I know you can play whater you wish if your opponent agrees but I tend to not diverge from official rules, even though my opponent agrees. This is my policy. Theoretically you can even play self-made models or alter FOC with the consent of your opponent but I prefer to apply official rules so no one may feel to have been deprived of victory by self-made rules.


However it's clear Apocalypse is a peculiar game style. I'm sure very few opponets will have issues with FW in an apocalypse setting. I doubt a single FW among 5000-1000 pts will alter the course of the battle by itself. I'll ask it to my usual opponents.


There is only one last question: What model do you suggest to buy as first FW item? I'd like to use something that can be played alongside my Grey Knight, since apocalypse has no FOC any model can represent a GK ally or a vehicle/squad acting under Inquisition authority, though. Do you have a favoritte FW model?


Thank You again for you assistance.

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It's a great question but not one for the Official Rules section I' afraid. Maybe try it in the Ordos Inquisition section?

Indeed... I just added the question in the main body of the message as soon as I thought about it.... :P I'll ask the question in the proper section... thank you...

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