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what next

shan vener

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hey guys i have a question for you guys, what should i buy next for my army, I was thinking a BA battle force to get a tac squad and jump pack death company or a 4th assault squad, or another stormraven. And before you ask here's the list of what i have.





Captain with TDA, 2 lightning claws

Captain with jump pack, power sword, infernus pistol

Epistolary with jump pack

Epistolary with TDA, storm shield



Chaplain with TDA, storm bolter

Chaplain with jump pack

Chaplain with jump pack, hand flamer

Sanguinary guard with infernus pistol,

Sanguinary guard with infernus pistol, chapter banner

Furioso dread with blood fists, magna grapple, heavy flamer

Terminator squad of 10 with chain fist, heavy flamer, assault cannon

Sanguinary priest with jump pack, power weapon

Sanguinary priest with jump pack, power weapon

Sanguinary priest with jump pack, power weapon, hand flamer (yes i know that he costs 100 points, he seved with honor so he got a boost)

Brother corbulo



Death company of 10, 8 power swords, 2 hand flamers

Death company dread with blood talons, heavy flamers

Assault squad of 10, 2 flamers, power fist, melta bombs

Assault squad of 10, 2 flamers, power fist, melta bombs

Assault squad of 10, 2 melta-guns, power fist, melta bombs



Land raider redeemer with multi-melta, hunter killer missile

Baal predator with flamestorm cannon, heavy flamers, storm bolter

Stormraven with lascannons, hurricane bolters, multi-meltas, extra armor




so what do you guys think i should get next?

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yeah i've been thinking about a dev squad with 2 lascannons, 2 plasmacannons, power fist, plasma pistol, with the obiglitary 5 meat shields.


although does any one think that some jump pack DC are a good idea

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Jump pack DC are too expensive... If you want DC either go with the super cheap route of a rhino or the more expensive but amazing option of a stormraven and team them up with lemartes and a DC Dread.
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actually i use a land raider redeemer for DC transport, although should i buy a second stormraven, a BA battle force, or a dev squad


I would say a stormraven or the devs, sack the BA battleforce.


I would go for the raven if it's DC you want cos it's the only real way to get lemartes in there and he's potentially lethal + a DC Dreadnaught thrown into the mix will annihilate your opponent.

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Depends what you want really.. A second Baal predator is a really good idea as they are great in pairs! Other than that maybe stenguard and a drop pod? That's what I'm planning on getting soon but I think I'm gonna paint them up as death watch and make them counts as stenguard.
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i think i'll go with sternguard they're more mobile then devs, although i did read that topic and i was thinking about doing that (death watch).

well i guess this is the new shopping list


land raider achilles (games day)

sternguard squad

sanguinary priest

drop pod (maybe, that or use the stormraven)

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The best way to build a squad of stengaurd is to use a tactical squad and you can build combi weapons from a bolter and a hand flamer or infernos pistol etc! You can buy metal stenguard models but it's your choice really.


What's the land raider achillies?

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its a forge world land raider with sponson twin linked multi-meltas and a front mounted thunderfire cannon.


Holy :cuss :D


Are these LR variants legal?

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its a forge world land raider with sponson twin linked multi-meltas and a front mounted thunderfire cannon.


Holy :cuss :D


Are these LR variants legal?

Only in Apoc or with opponent's permission.
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ok guys thanks for all the feed back, however now i have a new problem.


yesterday i bought the grey knight codex to start it as a second army (just gonna let that sink in ;) )

while i was there i also bought a box of termies and crowe.


now i've decided that my last two purchases (for a while) for my BA army will be sternguard and an achilles

but im not sure on what to do here, i.e. should i buy another box of GK termies or save for the achilles (don't want to pay FW shipping, games day = perfect opportunity)


so can you help me?

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I thought the achilles couldn't be taken by blood angels? I haven't heard anything since they first came out though.


Anyway, I like 10 sternguard, combi melta x8 + meltax2, in a drop pod and break into combat squads when you hit the ground between two heavy tanks (but I am usually playing against I-guard so this is easy).


So the plastic components to make a cool stern guard unit and a drop pod are my vote as to what you should get next (or last, or whatever it is you are doing now)

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i think that i'm not going to get the raider for two reasons ($90 plus the impaerial armor book) so i think i'm going to get a sternguard squad and then to truly begin my GK.
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