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power of the machine spirit+defensive weapons


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So I've seen a few references to taking hurricane bolters on a storm raven and using power of the machine spirit to shoot 1 main and the bolters, as they are defensive weapons. But reading defensive weapons, it states that you can fire them as well as your main if you move at combat speed.


I was wondering how power of the machine spirit allowed this.

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DS/cruising speed on a SR with defensive weapons nets you 3 'attacks'. 1 via main gun, all defensives (two hurricane posnsons), and 1 via PotMS (usually melta). Main and defensive versus one declared target, PotMS gives a new declaration on the same target or a different one.
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If you can normally fire one main weapon ie. without resorting to PotMS, you can fire defensive weapons. So a Storm Raven, as a fast skimmer, can fire one main and all defensive weapons after moving up to 12". If it had moved over this distance then it would not be able to fire them, unless of course you used PotMS, and even then you'd only be able to fire only one of your hurricane bolter side sponsons. If your opponent, however, is moving over 12" (so flat out), and using PotMS to fire a main and defensive weapons, they shouldn't be.
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Which one are you looking at?


Page 73, chart at the bottom. If you're not a walker or fast vehicle you can only fire defensive weapons when stationary or at combat speed. If you're a walker it's the same (although you can fire more main weapons at combat speed). If you're a fast vehicle, you can fire defensive weapons if stationary, at combat speed or cruising speed, with you only able to fire one main at cruising (but all at combat and below).


The Storm Raven is a fast vehicle, therefore, at cruising speed it can fire one main and all defensive. This is the reason why Typhoons are liked. They can get side armour with their krak missiles thanks to 12" movement, and they can also fire their heavy bolters and frags if moving 12" thanks to the frags being defensive.


EDIT: DV8 beat me.

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