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How do you use the Sangunary Guard

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Ok, so I got back into the hobby (14 y.o. son helped) and BA just came out and I loved the models for the Sangunary Guard. SO I got 2 units and Dante. I have since built up to about 3k legal points. Mostly dreads and troops.


I keep trying to field these guys. I find that without heroic intervention (why they dont have this I dont know as they are the cream of the veteran crop) DoA is pretty useless. The two ways I have found that these guys are worth it is either the Dante Bomb on some back line longrange tank/dread, or obliterating normal infantry. Oh and with Dante they can pretty much melt a HQ unit pretty fast. They also will absolutely destroy termineators with out LCs. The problem is with five units, one unit of cheap shooties can wipe them out. They have no inv save and no ability to soak up losses.


I have been thinking that these guys are best at back line obj contest/retake. I have been trying to use a prison shank like a hammer and getting it raw in the shower as it were. So this week at league I am gonna run them with Dante and an SP. I think FC and FNP will really help. If I can get these guys hitting at int 5 then most things will fall before they have a chance. Dante will be at ini 7, and that beats out most units; including Halberds. With good rolls Dante can put the hurt on. (I wouldnt engage a halberd, wych or banshee squad regaurdless.) The reason they pwn terminators is that they get all their swings off long before ini 1. With this unit I have, on the charge, Dante with 5 attacks, 12 from the SG and 3 from the SP. I run one guy with a PF and IP, so he swings last. Ill post my findings.


Right now these guys are not a no brainer unit. You really have to argue putting them in your list. I think they need FC, ws and int 5 and be able to go to 10 models in a unit like terminators. I think Heroic Intervention would also be nice, as would the ability to equip stormshields.

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Drop them in, run into cover. As they have a 18" charge range, they can drop without risking getting charged. No weapon upgrades save for a single inferno pistol.

Next turn they charge something they can beat, simple as that. They pretty much need to wipe a single tactical squad to make their points back, which isn't too hard for them.

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I really enjoyed Snorri's tactica and wrote my own ramblings on the unit in my blog.


Basically, unless you are playing a pure or nearly pure SG army, I suggest keeping the unit cheap. If you want an expensvie CC monster, go with Vanguard (or maybe HG or even DC). If you want a nice cheap assault unit go SG.


The only upgrade I take is the chapter banner, the main reason is to give +1 attack to the Librarian with Sanguine Sword hanging out with them, though +1 attack per guy is very useful.

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in my personal opinion i love using them.

literally i never go without Dante (even in 500 point games) so i ALWAYS use them in any game above 500 points. the fact that they don't have an invul is saddening but if they did they'd be OP and no one would use terminators.

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Thanks guys, Snorri nice write up. Funny that we both used a similar anology for these guys: Hammer vs knife in the back. Like I said I am gonna run them with Dante and a SP this next week for my league. I might drop the PF and go with the banner. have to see where I can fit that in with points but should be possible. I would have to drop extra aromor from the SR and MB from my tac sarge. If dropping armor from the SR is a bad idea Ill go with removing the grapple from my furioso. Kinda nice to drag in a chimera then pop it with my melta and charge the now exsposed wusses. Gotta look at the balance.
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