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No Love for the Reclusiarchs?


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There is a whole lot of love for Librarians (I can understand why) and while I do agree that at least one Librarian is almost necessary if at all simply for the psychic defense (especially with all those GKs around), its a pity I don't see Reclusiarchs around often - often a second Librarian is taken instead. I've personally always used Chaplains (well, "Reclusiarchs") in previous editions and while I was sorely disappointed that Chaplains seemed destined for the dumbed-down stats as seen in the other Space Marine players, I was glad that they added in the "uber Chaplain" option in the Blood Angels codex, and happened to tack on the special rule that made the Sanguinary High Priest a staple of my army back in 3rd/4th.


I'm personally thinking of putting mine in either an Assault Terminator squad with a Sanguinary Priest in a LRC, or in a Death Company Rhino because those jump pack upgrades are honestly ludicriously priced. I must admit though, he doesn't really have too many great places to go, given that Vanguard cannot perform Heroic Intervention with him around (pity, would have been the perfect place for him IMO), he's more or less nearly useless with Sanguinary Guard, and I see little purpose of putting him with normal Assault Marines - even with the rerolls they simply don't hit very hard.


What do you guys think about the Reclusiarch? How have you been using him and how has he fared? Or is that second Librarian simply too good to pass up?



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I currently own 7 chaplain models. I own 2 librarian models. I barely use the libbys. Since 3rd Ed I have used chaplains almost exclusively to lead my blood angels. I know a librarian is better by many players standards, but these are the same players who also eschew the use of Death Company. I think my chaplain will always be fielded more than my librarians simply on person taste more than anything.
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Reclusiarch is my favorite non-named HQ. I'd use him more, except for the simple fact that I run Astorath instead.

Interesting. I've liked Astorath as well in terms of fluff, but how is he in terms of gameplay? I always felt that his main benefits (DC army/Red Thirst % increase) are somewhat mitigated by the fact that pure DC kinda sucks, and you should generally have enough Priests to give everyone FC.

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My HQ is normally an Infernus Pistol toting Reclusiarch with some Death Company, Saved my bacon so many times it is unreal although im one of the rare players that don't regularly run a librarian at all.



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there are so many army's that do psychic better then BA, i have never seen why people take libby's. The Reclusiarch makes DC so much better i alway take him if im using them.
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Reclusiarch is my favorite non-named HQ. I'd use him more, except for the simple fact that I run Astorath instead.




I would rather field Astrogoth but I want to create my own reclusiarch and give him a name and a BT of history etc as I think it would be a fun model to build, just don't know how to make his death mask as that's one of the coolest things they have.... Any ideas?

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I think the Reclusiarch is the best no-named Character in the codex. His power always works and he can really hold his own in combat. I always take him when I am not taking Astorath. Only then do I consider a Librarian. Generally at 1750 points and above.


To be fair I think GW hit normal chaplins and Librarians too hard with the nerf stick with I4, BS4 etc and as such the Reclusiarch is my real 'no-named' hero in the codex

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Librarian is needed in certain areas. The Reclusiarch is really undercosted for what he does, which is why he is the go-to character after the Librarian who is taken strictly for utility over value for points.
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One of my favorite non-named HQ's in the book. Adds more assualt synergy to a unit than a captain for only 5 more points and can stand in CC because of the 4++ rosarius. Libby's are great except for the fact that they are easily beaten down in combat against other marines because they lack the invulnerable save to protect from power fists.


My personal favorite is to run a Reclusiarch with a jump pack in a unit of 10 ASM. The Reclusiarch + rerolls make the unit the perfect MEQ hunter unit as they don't wipe out the enemy on the charge which keeps me safe from shooting in my opponents phase. Reclusiarch + DC is deadly deadly deadly but they always wipe out the unit they hit on the charge, even when they only have one thunder hammer and a couple power weapons. I like my combo because my ASM really benefit from the combat boost and they need it more than the DC or Vanguards who can be made killy on their own.


I also think of the Reclusiarch as better than a libby because his 'power' does not depend on a leadership check, nor can it be stopped by a hood or other psychic defense. I like that reliability.

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Reclusiarch is my favorite non-named HQ. I'd use him more, except for the simple fact that I run Astorath instead.

Interesting. I've liked Astorath as well in terms of fluff, but how is he in terms of gameplay? I always felt that his main benefits (DC army/Red Thirst % increase) are somewhat mitigated by the fact that pure DC kinda sucks, and you should generally have enough Priests to give everyone FC.

I look at it this way.


Reclusiarch with Jump pack, 155 points.


Astorath 220.


Astorath has 1 higher WS. That's not that big, so say 5 points.

Astorath has a Relic Blade. That's about 15 points over a power weapon. Then add the reroll invuls power, so anther 5-10 points.

Astorath has Artificer Armor. That's about 15-20ish based on my memory.


That covers most of the cost difference.


Also, I generally only use 1 priest in most games as Astorath mitigates the needs for too many. In my pure Jumpy horde, I bring 2.


Units like Vanguard often drop away from priests. Astorath give them a 50% chance at FC which helps.


Shooty units like Devs and attack bikes can really benefit from the fearless bonus against enemy shooting.


I think the Reclusiarch is the best no-named Character in the codex. His power always works and he can really hold his own in combat. I always take him when I am not taking Astorath. Only then do I consider a Librarian. Generally at 1750 points and above.


To be fair I think GW hit normal chaplins and Librarians too hard with the nerf stick with I4, BS4 etc and as such the Reclusiarch is my real 'no-named' hero in the codex

I completely agree. My go to HQ is Astorath or Reculisarch with the Librarian as my #2.


The change to chaplains/librarians in stats in our codex, SW, SM was too much. Dropping to 2 wound is ok, but losing an attack and initiative?

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This is what I love about the BA codex, the options, the variety.


Basically, there is no one size fits all. I personally run a Librarian for two reasons.


1.) He joins an 8 man RAS in a rhino and I use Blood Lance along with the meltagun to crack other transports. Once cracked, I use unleash rage to deal with my abysmal rolling to hit to re-roll.

2.) At the stores I play at, there are a lot of GKs these days and other psykers. I have found the Psychic hood to be invaluable for me in dealing with doom, guide, Lash of submission, etc.


It's about dealing with the threats you have to face the most in my opinion.

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Reclusiarch is my favorite non-named HQ. I'd use him more, except for the simple fact that I run Astorath instead.

Interesting. I've liked Astorath as well in terms of fluff, but how is he in terms of gameplay? I always felt that his main benefits (DC army/Red Thirst % increase) are somewhat mitigated by the fact that pure DC kinda sucks, and you should generally have enough Priests to give everyone FC.



IMO, Astorath is best in a force that either takes advantage of the all DC, or a single unit of DC where you get a lot of red thirst rolls. As JamesI mentioned, not as a big a need for a SP with him, so to me, that by itself almost makes up for his extra cost. I like astorath and have been using him quite a bit lately.

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I've only used a Reclusiarch once. Unfortunately Mephiston killed almost everything before the Reclusiarch and his HG even turned up. Pity as when the Rec finally landed in CC the unit performed pretty well against a tooled up VV squad with Captain.


Definately something I'm going to try again.

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i used to run only the recluse, til his squad got plasmad to deat in one game. i realised that a libarian is cheaper and would allow me the potential to actually survive and still alllow me proper assault ability. oh and that if i get charged, which does happen i can still use his power... and in succesive rounds of combat too. sure he aint as killy, and dies easier, but he dosent score his unit does... who really does more damage when you need it. oh and my chaplin always goofs his attacks. also a libbys sheild is able to cover more than one unit...if i didnt use them i would use a recluse or a named character(id go astro too...)
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I go with the Reclusiarch with only 5 Death company members inside a razorback with 1 fist and 1 PW. My #2 favourite unit in the entire freakin game.


My #1 is some more DC's, some extra special weapons, inside a Land raider :lol:

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I don't like the Reclusiarch much mostly because he doesn't really add a lot to the army. He's a character that is good at killing stuff in close combat... oh wait, you mean like the entire Blood Angel Codex? <_<


Yes, he does boost the squad he joins but only in that he makes them Fearless (not always good) and by making them hit harder in assault which is nice but not strictly necessary due to things like the Red Thirst and Sanguinary Priests. Librarians fill a much more important role in my opinion. This doesn't mean however that someone taking a Reclusiarch can never have success or anything like that - I'm sure there's at least one player of note that does well in tournaments with a Reclusiarch, it's just that I feel the Librarian does more for the army as a whole.

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My librarium seems to be cursed. I've had precisely zero luck with librarians in any battle in which I've used them. Never nullified any enemy powers, regularly fail psychic tests and suffer perils and generally sit around taunting me with their silly blue armour in the midst of all my lovely red, gold and black. This is why my old DC Chaplain has been promoted to Reclusiarch and leads my Band of Nutters into the fray. He seems to be far more effective than his blue-clad brethren but that's a personal thing, not really anything tactical.
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I'd like to use Reclusiarchs and Astaroth as well, the problem for the former is the Libby, and for the latter Dante. Both pale in comparsion.

Astorath pales compared to Dante? I don't see it. Everytime I try to make a list using Dante, I always end up running Astorath instead.

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I've used a Reclusiarch as my HQ in every game since the new codex came out. The new Captain is a joke and 2 wounds with no invulnerable without termie armour means the Libby just doesn't have enough survivability for me. Also I always have a DC squad as no BA army seems complete without one to me. However there's no point having a DC without a chappy even if he can't control them any more and if you're having a chappy he might as well be a Reclusiarch for 30 points.


I really would like to use Astorath and Lemmy more but I feel the points to give the DC jump packs is a bit steep. The other choices of transport are also on the points heavy side as you would have to go for a Stormraven. I really wish there was an option to take them sans pack like Calgar gets the choice of termie armour or not. Also I always feel one of the main points of Astorath is for taking a DC heavy army which really seems to make his Shadow of the Primarch ability redundant. He really should only have one of those powers with the other going to a different IC.


Oh and lastly, I realised how long i've been playing the other day when I noticed I had 9 different chappies with every different wargear option going. Really need to find a list to fit the biker one in again.......

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I've used a Reclusiarch as my HQ in every game since the new codex came out. The new Captain is a joke and 2 wounds with no invulnerable without termie armour means the Libby just doesn't have enough survivability for me. Also I always have a DC squad as no BA army seems complete without one to me. However there's no point having a DC without a chappy even if he can't control them any more and if you're having a chappy he might as well be a Reclusiarch for 30 points.


I really would like to use Astorath and Lemmy more but I feel the points to give the DC jump packs is a bit steep. The other choices of transport are also on the points heavy side as you would have to go for a Stormraven. I really wish there was an option to take them sans pack like Calgar gets the choice of termie armour or not. Also I always feel one of the main points of Astorath is for taking a DC heavy army which really seems to make his Shadow of the Primarch ability redundant. He really should only have one of those powers with the other going to a different IC.


Oh and lastly, I realised how long i've been playing the other day when I noticed I had 9 different chappies with every different wargear option going. Really need to find a list to fit the biker one in again.......


I believe that the SoP was first intended for Seth, as that makes some sense, and is what first leaks suggested.

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