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No Love for the Reclusiarchs?


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I believe that the SoP was first intended for Seth, as that makes some sense, and is what first leaks suggested.

Those weren't leaks. They were a fan made codex.

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I believe that the SoP was first intended for Seth, as that makes some sense, and is what first leaks suggested.

Those weren't leaks. They were a fan made codex.

I sometimes wonder if that was really a fan codex in a sense that, it was, honestly, in some ways scarily similar to the current codex.

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My Reclusiarch has a hall of beheading enemies, killing 3 to 4 enemies in assault.


Besides, I always try getting DC in my lists, which makes them a rock punch in the face!



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My Reclusiarch has a hall of beheading enemies, killing 3 to 4 enemies in assault.


Besides, I always try getting DC in my lists, which makes them a rock punch in the face!




Well, that is where the rec's trouble becomes apparent. Namely Lemartes, who just is THAT much better for D.C.

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My Reclusiarch has a hall of beheading enemies, killing 3 to 4 enemies in assault.


Besides, I always try getting DC in my lists, which makes them a rock punch in the face!




Well, that is where the rec's trouble becomes apparent. Namely Lemartes, who just is THAT much better for D.C.


And for the DC buff, you could just get an elites chaplain, who doesnt compete with Librarians or Special Characters for the 2 HQ slots... Again, A reclusiarch looses out to soemthig that can do the same job, cheaper.

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My Reclusiarch has a hall of beheading enemies, killing 3 to 4 enemies in assault.


Besides, I always try getting DC in my lists, which makes them a rock punch in the face!




Well, that is where the rec's trouble becomes apparent. Namely Lemartes, who just is THAT much better for D.C.


If you use the Stormraven, because even tough I love Lemartes, I simply cannot use Jump DC. It's heck overcosted, and a problem to play.


This case is Rhino Reclusiarch.




Leo: The thing is, Reclusiarchs are Init. 5 and have three wounds, besides, BA's players REALLY needs theirs Elite slots.

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I take a librarian over a reclusiarch simply due to the fact that I am a minimalist when it comes to hq units and a libby is only 100 points and does more for me than a captain does. When I do take Death company I do use a reclusiarch though, once again this is because I hate spending mass ammounts of points on single characters and I dont want to take a libby and standard chaplain(I need a chaplain with my death company). Sorry if that didn"t make much sense, I went to work at 4am and am fairly tired.
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  • 3 weeks later...
I would love to run a Reclusiarch, or Astorath, the problem is I have quarrels with both. Astorath is awesome in a fight, and gets Artificer like every BA character SHOULD. On the other hand, the reclusiarch is cheaper, and I can make my own character...kinda... Power fist or infernus pistol? Ooooh, the choices! That's my problem in a nutshell; Astorath is a special character, but the Relcusarch has no gear. Your thoughts may vary.
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I take one of each at 1750. The step up with Int 5(6) pw attacks makes a big difference. The Libbie I'm afraid to take into combat and where the hell else is he going to be in a DoA army.
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I'm fighting an Apocalypse battle at the moment and I took both Astorath and a Reclusiarch. The Reclusiarch goes with my DC squad in a Land Raider (which I'm still waiting to arrive from reserve) and Astorath lends some much needed might to my JP Assault Squad with SP who are about to go toe to toe with a bunch of Plague Marines led by Typhus. Sadly I now have to wait until next week to report on how things tun out.
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I'm planning on running one in various Blood Angel builds. I'm a fan of them, and don't usually run a libby at all. My first marine army was BT and I'm used to not running them because of it. I'm also planning on Astroth in a few as well. It will just depend on how my other units turn out and how the army ends up working best.
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Libby first and Chappy 2nd. Then it's Chappy/Reclusiarch. At 2K I have one of each; Librarian, Chaplain, Reclusiarch. The libby is kind of a jack of all trades but he is a little soft (no invul). The chappy is one dimensional but his power always goes off and he has that +4 invul. One or the other of these guys with a priest makes an assault squad very dangerous. The Reclusiarch for 30 more points is iffy but hey with him in there I am at exactly 2000pts.
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