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A few questions about Rage


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Me and my friend had an argument today about the Rage usr.

He states that a DC Dread moving towards a tank must move to within 1" (if it can reach) by closest point between the two.


I have made this image to show you what I mean --> http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/156/rageb.jpg/


My friend states that the DC Dread must move like the red arrow shows, and I claim that it can move like the blue arrow, since it is still moving towards the closest unit.


In my opinion, the "move as fast as possible" could be that you must use jumppacks if you have them for example.


Please explain for me how this works, and also when moving units of Death Company. Do you only move the first model towards the closest enemy unit and just let the rest fall into coherency?

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uh no clue to be fair. but RAW either one is fine as your still moving ASAP towards the closest target. if you would choice a path thats still towards the closest target but would force you to move around a piece of terrain while a clear path is open then you would be against RAW imho....


but since this is not the case, both are fine......

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Just reread the rule for clarification. Move as fast as possible towards the nearest enemy. As long as you can still reach him on the "Blue Line" route seems like you could go that way, especially against a tank or other "single" target. If it was a unit of trrops then I would say closest "model" might force the "Red Line" route. I think your good either way in your scenario.
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It's the same target, it shouldn't make a difference.

Just because he's in a psychotic rage doesn't mean he's not going to take a tactical advantage of attacking the weakest point of the target. That's assuming he's moving to the rear of the tank. Or perhaps he wishes to take cover from other units fire.

Either way he's still moved to the closest target.


But then there is "move as fast as possible". I think this would mean that you would have to take the full six inches, rather than it being interpreted as taking the shortest path possible.

The Death Company are still marines after all. If there is cover between them and their closest target then I don't see why they wouldn't take advantage of that whilst still keeping an eye on their target.

And most definitely attacking the targets weak points.


That's my argument anyway.

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I must admit I am also under the impression that one should move as straigtht as possible towards the target. I would also suggest the red line is correct.
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But the rule doesn't say directly towards the target, it says as fast as possible. What if there was difficult terrain on the red line that would stop the raging unit from reaching the target, but going around it - not the direct route - allowed you to reach it, or at least get closer. Quicker to go around. So quickest does not equal direct.
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I'm kind of curious about something too. I hope you'll forgive a small threadjack but since we're talking about movement and rage if a unit WITH rage is inside a transport like a rhino is the transport subject to rage's movement as well, and has to move as fast as possible toward the nearest enemy unit?
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