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How to paint extremely thin lines

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Hey guys, I'm looking for some technique advice. I'm trying to get started doing various bits of freehand/details and my success is just absolutely nill when it comes to fine lines. I use a well pointed brush (W&NSeries 7, I tried both 00 and 000), both GW and Vallejo paint, and various levels of thinning and I just can't get a nice thin line.


Around a millimeter (thickness of a dime or paperclip) is as fine as I can go, which is fine in most cases, but that makes doing things like trying to put purity seal text on or radar pips on bike screens next to impossible. I've tried going with unthinned paint and it's a giant glob, I try thinning and it flows out way too much and I just can't figure out the right touch. I've tried every brush stroke I can think of ('stab' like motions, very gentle strokes with the very tip, etc.) and the results just aren't consistent.

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"I try thinning and it flows out way too much"


Here's where you are going wrong... You have too much paint loaded in the brush when you start.


Yes, you want the paint thin. But after you load the brush, you need to "unload" the extra on a paper towel. Just touch it and the excess will wick away. THEN put brush to model with long strokes.

Okay this is just a thought on my part, if some better artists could stop me if I'm wrong...


What about cheating? Why not make the line as thin as possible with the initial stroke and then just 'adjusting' the width of the line by going back with the base color?

I use the following steps to do this:


-Draw what you want painted on, with a fine pen or pencil. For very small drawing, you of course want a very fine pen/pencil.

-Go over your drawing with a color darker than you want the final image to be in. There's some good advice here already about using a small paint charge on the brush.

-Go over your drawing again, with the final color you want your drawing to be in. Use the Kindergarten Tip: Stay Within The Lines! Paint inside the darker color, and now it shouldn't matter too much if your paint lines are not perfectly smooth.


You can introduce more color steps in here, and that is in fact a good idea for larger images, but for small drawings, that's all you need.



Okay this is just a thought on my part, if some better artists could stop me if I'm wrong...


What about cheating? Why not make the line as thin as possible with the initial stroke and then just 'adjusting' the width of the line by going back with the base color?


This is what I do and it works brilliantly. Nobody has to know that you can't really paint lines that crisp. ;)

First, never use pencil. Pencils are graphite. Graphite is a natural lubricant. They are also sharp and hard when freshly sharpened and can EASILY scratch your paint work. In addition, they are not 100% black.


Using a Micron art pen, while not cheating, is problematic at best. They are not permanent or water-fast. In other words, once you get them wet, they can start to bleed into your paint. If you apply a heavy solvent-based spray as a sealer, with no intermediate layer, they can and *WILL* bleed. I've seen this first hand.


Also, while technically a felt tip, the micron pens are quite hard and can scratch the painted surface. Why risk that kind of damage to hours of paint work?


Lastly, the reason why I suggest a brush over a micron pen is simple. While having a fine point, a good and well cared for brush will always have an infinitely sharper painting point than the smallest micron pen.

Okay this is just a thought on my part, if some better artists could stop me if I'm wrong...


What about cheating? Why not make the line as thin as possible with the initial stroke and then just 'adjusting' the width of the line by going back with the base color?


This is what I do and it works brilliantly. Nobody has to know that you can't really paint lines that crisp. :D


This is a technique called "Erasing" and everybody does it, even Golden Demon winners. The only problem arises when you can't remember what colors you used for the base :)





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