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Assaulting and Movement Distance


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When I originally read the section of the rulebook on assaulting units and movement what I understood was that if you declare an assault against enemy unit A then you would move your closest model to unit A's closest model; if you could not get into base contact by moving 6" then you did nothing assault that turn and could not do anything else, such as attempt to assault another enemy unit, and that it simply worked like shooting at a unit that is out of range, you shoot/assault but it is too far and you do nothing.


But upon further consideration and reading the section again I have started having my doubts. The section reads: "If the closest model is found not to be within of move distance of the enemy, that assault does not happen and no move is made." Does that mean that you may select a new target for assaulting as the original one 'did not happen'? Or does that section merely work to forbid the possibility of stealing an extra move during your turn?


I want to hear a general consensus on the matter. What do you guys think?

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When I originally read the section of the rulebook on assaulting units and movement what I understood was that if you declare an assault against enemy unit A then you would move your closest model to unit A's closest model; if you could not get into base contact by moving 6" then you did nothing assault that turn and could not do anything else, such as attempt to assault another enemy unit, and that it simply worked like shooting at a unit that is out of range, you shoot/assault but it is too far and you do nothing.


But upon further consideration and reading the section again I have started having my doubts. The section reads: "If the closest model is found not to be within of move distance of the enemy, that assault does not happen and no move is made." Does that mean that you may select a new target for assaulting as the original one 'did not happen'? Or does that section merely work to forbid the possibility of stealing an extra move during your turn?


I want to hear a general consensus on the matter. What do you guys think?


If you can't reach who you declared, then no assault moves are allowed for that unit, be that into combat with another unit or to just gain ground.


That is why it is important to remember the distances between you and your foe during the shooting phase, and to become a good judge of range.


I know that Rhinos are 4.75" long and 3" wide, etc.

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hopefully i dont derail the thread at all... but if when you declare an assault and the unit is more than 6 inches away you don't get to move your models at all, correct? Or do you get to move the 6 and just not be in assault? Sorry for the noob question but im on vacation and dont have my rulebook with me.
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hopefully i dont derail the thread at all... but if when you declare an assault and the unit is more than 6 inches away you don't get to move your models at all, correct? Or do you get to move the 6 and just not be in assault? Sorry for the noob question but im on vacation and dont have my rulebook with me.


It is in the quote of the Op. "no move is made"

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Azatoth is correct. No move is made and the assault is ignored [p33 BRB].


Aye, the charging unit falls flat on their faces and has to spend the rest of the phase picking themselves up out of the mud. Not the most heroic thing for the loyal sevants of the Emperor to be doing admittedly, but heyho. Maybe they the whole unit's boltguns inexplicidly jam at exactly the same moment and they have to unstick them. At least that's mildy less stupid sounding.

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Azatoth is correct. No move is made and the assault is ignored [p33 BRB].


Aye, the charging unit falls flat on their faces and has to spend the rest of the phase picking themselves up out of the mud. Not the most heroic thing for the loyal sevants of the Emperor to be doing admittedly, but heyho. Maybe they the whole unit's boltguns inexplicidly jam at exactly the same moment and they have to unstick them. At least that's mildy less stupid sounding.


or maybe charging represents an extra burst of energy as you throw yourself headlong into close combat, and is not the sort of thing that can be easily maintained, and your models being the profesional soldiers that they are can judge distance slight better than we can. Thus not wasting the energy to sprint if they wont make contact with it?

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