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A different Astorath,Assault Terminators and DCDreadnought.

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My version of "Astorath"...I did not like GWs red version as Astorath is the High Chaplain of the Blood Angels and therefore black should be his dominant color (according to fluff). I hope you like him as much as I do...




And my Death Company Dreadnought "Soter". I combined pieces from the venerable Dreadnought kit and the Furioso kit.




Assault Terminators



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this forum needs a like button. aged astro just dosent suit the colours gw painted him( i painted mine gold and he counts as my chapter master)And the dread looks great! you just get the you cant touch this vibe from all the armour etc on him. good job.
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this forum needs a like button. aged astro just dosent suit the colours gw painted him( i painted mine gold and he counts as my chapter master)And the dread looks great! you just get the you cant touch this vibe from all the armour etc on him. good job.

See, I was glad GW painted Astorath Red. Made it easier to justify when I built my own and painted him red to counts as my Chapter Master.

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Loving the space hulk terminators. Did you get them recently? I really want them, any advice on where to get them from?


I am lucky to own the game... :) Now it is to be found only in eBay


So it is possible to obtain on eBay, how much does it go for? Also I can't be bothered to bid on it, hopefully I can find one for 'buy now'


EDIT: just found one, buy now £180 :jaw:

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very nice both of them. i have a new BA Furioso/DC/Lib. dred on the way to me, and am trying to figure out the best way to squeeze two dreds out of it, since there are so many extra goodies. i guess i should either go camp some eBay auctions for partial dred sets, or just get a ven dred box like yours!
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