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Rhinos vs Sanguinary Priests


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Ok, this is not a decision most Blood Angels players need to make, but my situation is a tad different. I love tactical squads and I love playing with them. I run three Tactical Squads (Multi Melta, Plasmagun, Combi Melta, Power Fist) as the backbone of my shooty Blood Angels army..


The question I'm posing to you guys is.. Is the Rhino more important for this kind of an army, or the Sanguinary Priest? Even for Objective camping gunline tacticals?

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I would say the rhino for manuverability. You don't need the priest as much as you won't be charging or in cc qt all really.
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Do you have any other Rhinos or tanks in your list? What forward elements does your list contain?


I guess it all comes down to what the other 800-odd points are in your list...

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well to be fair if your running a shooty tactical army the rhinos will just get in the way. heavy weapons cant fire and move and unless you got assault units that need to bring the fight to the enemy id bring the priests, hop you marines in cover and dish out the pain :lol:


the plasma/MM squad is one of my personal favorites and it works really well :) its a good fire support unit but im not sure if you can use it solely in a ranged force.... 24 inches of effective range will hurt alot when your opponent will have lemanr ss battle tanks sitting in his deployment zone lobbing shells at you <_< (or something simular)

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Do you have any other Rhinos or tanks in your list? What forward elements does your list contain?


I guess it all comes down to what the other 800-odd points are in your list...


Ok so:


Tactical Squad (10) Power Fist, Combi-Melta, Plasmagun, Multi-Melta, Rhino

Tactical Squad (10) Power Fist, Combi-Melta, Plasmagun, Multi-Melta, Rhino

Tactical Squad (10) Power Fist, Combi-Melta, Plasmagun, Missile Launcher, Rhino

Scout Squad (10) Melta Bombs, 5 Shotguns, 5 Combat Blades

Death Company (10) 2 Power Fists, Drop Pod

Devastator Squad (5) 3 Missile Launchers

Predator (1) Autocannon, HB Sponsons

Tactical Terminator Squad (5) Heavy Flamer

Librarian (1) Shield, Lance

Honor guard (5) Novitiate, 4 Plasmaguns, Razorback HB


1995 pts..


Basically, the first and second tactical squads are a forward gunline, backed up by the Tactical Terminators, Dreadnought and Librarian/Honor Guard, the third is a rear gunline/objective holder that sits behind with the Devastators and the Dakka Pred. I can change the third one's weapon configuration to a Plasmagun/Plasma-Cannon with the 5 pts I have left over, should I decide I need it.


The Scouts and the Death Company are for disrupting enemy heavy support.


for the 5 extra pts I could take a combi-melta instead of the Melta bombs on the Scout Sergeant, but the models I have are the old pewter ones and it would be a pain to model it there. I could possibly chop off the chainsword and stick one there so that he's holding it up, or something.

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This is a really broad question.


Here are the pros and cons as I see it and obviously, depending on the situation, will impact your decision.






Mobility if you need it.

Forces cannot be directly assaulted if embarked(Rhino needs to be busted)

Forces cannot be directly targetted if embarked

Two access points, can fire heavy and special weapons

Stormbolter on Rhino lends fire support.

You can disembark and use Rhino on turn 5 to potentially contest objectives.

You can combat squad and deploy half your force in a Rhino and use as a mobile forward element for objective siezing.

Improves chances to get into range for rapid fire.




Loss of volume of fire if whole squad is embarked.

Fairly easy to crack, especially if you are staying in one spot so you can fire heavy weapons

Explosion of Rhino can cause additional casualties


Sanguinary Priest




Greater chance of survival of priest himself through ablative wounds

Feel no pain - Improves chances of survival for whole squad.

Furious Charge (should you choose to assault before being assaulted)

Volume of fire is not reduced for survivability

Priest can lend additional fire support by taking combi-weapons (combi-plasma is a good choice)

Improves close combat ability with higher WS, 2 base attacks and option for power weapins




Low mobility for entire squad

Does little against power weapon attacks, double toughness and AP2 weapons

Does not prevent assaults, which means squad is no longer able to fire.

Has a 6" bubble which can be a problem if you combat squad and are not in range.

Can be singled out in close combat.


So the question is, what do you want to achieve?


To me, if you are stationary, need long range fire and are not overly concerned about being assaulted, Rhinos seem to be the better choice. You have flexibility here to move forward on your terms.


If on the other hand, you know they have what it takes to crack your transport and you are going to be assaulted regardless, having a Sang priest improves your chances of surviving against normal assault troops and allows you to get the assault off first. Hopefully reinforcing then with other elements of your army


There is no cut and dry answer though, those are just general rules to go by.


Obviously, a mix is great. Having a priest near to say two rhinos with both Rhinos inside the bubble is ideal.

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