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BA vs RG 1500 pt

Code 187

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We play tested a fan-created Raven Guard 'dex in this game. Some of the changes from the regular marine dex were the Lieutenants - a retinue character between a veteran and Captain stat wise, with some limited wargear options. Others included all the RG elites having HI, at a big points hike.




Reclusiarch – PW/BP, Jump pack

Honour Guard – Sanguinary Novitiate, PW, PF, Jump packs

5 man ASM – MG

10 man ASM – PP x 3

10 man VV – PP x 2, PW x 2, PF, Jump packs

Baal PredHB sponsons



Captain – PW, SS, Arti Armour, Jump pack

Lieutenants x 2 – Twin LCs/ TH, Jump packs

5 man VV – Jump packs

10 man SG in DP – MG

10 man Tacs – MG, flamer

5 man Tacs - MG

Predator – TLLC, HB sponsons

Devs – HB, ML x 2


Mission: Annihilate

BA win roll off and RG deploy all infantry. Captain/Lieutenants/VV in reserve.

BA deploy Meph and Baal. Everything else in reserve.


Turn 1


RG RG army moves up. DP lands next to Baal, MG from SG stuns it.

BA Meph casts Wings but suffers perils and loses wound. Jumps forwards and kills 5 SG for no reply.


Turn 2


RG Rhino advances. MG in fire hatch destroys TLAC on Baal. Rest of army out of range/no LOS.

BA Whole BA army except 10 man ASMs arrive. 5 man ASM MG destroys Predator. VV land near devastators and kill 1, but are too far away for HI. Rec + HG kill some of the 5 man Tacs. Meph finishes the SG in their assault phase and takes shelter behind DP, then charges the Rhino, smashing it apart. Explosion kills 1 Tac.


Turn 3


RG Devs shoot at VVs, killing 1. All the Tacs shoot at Meph and wound him once.

BA The 10 man ASMs turn up. 5 man ASMs and VVs slaughter the Devs for no loss.

Meph piles into the large Tac squad, killing 4 but loses another wound to perils on the way in! The Rec + HG finish the 5 man Tacs.

Baal destroys the SB on the DP.


Turn 4


RG The VV/RG Captain/Lieutenant combo finally arrives and bundles into the 10 man ASMs, killing 2. The ASMs can only wound 1 of the Lieutenants.

BA Leaving Meph to finish the final Tac, the Rec, HG, VVS and 5 man RAS pile into the RG VVs/HQ. Everything except the RG Apoc and Captain die, while 3 more BA ASMs fall.


My opponent called game at this point. His captain survived about 45 attacks with only 1 wound, even after re-rolls to hit/wound from liturgies! Some unbelievable rolling, in contrast to the rest of the game which was terrible for him luck-wise. I lost 1 VV and 5 ASMs and was about to table my opponent. Mephiston was a 1–man army yet again and finished 2 squads and rhino single handedly!

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Sort of hard to comment too much about this since there's not lots of detail, but I just wanted to say thanks for quoting me in your signature. I don't post much on the B&C so it was a real treat to see that I've said something of note over the years. ;)


Oh and congrats on the victory. <_<

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Trying to find the balance of not putting too much in so that people get bored reading. If I can ever find my camera I'll start putting some pics in.

The quote made me chucle for a while. It still brings a grin to my face reading it now - thanks!

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How did the V.V kill a dev on turn 2 if they weren't in charge-range?

I'm guessing the rule that you can't shoot if you declare HI was forgotten.

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I know the blood Angels player doesn't need more help, but I'd have outflanked the Baal as well to keep it out of harms way. Mephiston (unless altered) is small enough to hide in terrain out of sight (terrain permiting) and is fast enough to strike where needed from his cover.
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