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Hybrid lists, do they work


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Hi all, I'd like to share my current army list and the success I've been having with it:


2x Libbies w/ JP, Unleash Rage, Shield

3x 10x ASM w/ JP, PF/Infernus, 2x Meltaguns

2x Sanguinary Priest w/ JP, MBs

3x Baal Predator w/ TLAC/HB

3x Predator w/ AC/LC


Sometimes I play Mephiston over the 2 Libbies and it's been working for me just fine.


The Baals form a line of cover for my Jump Infantry and with all Jumpers, I'm able to keep pace with the rest for my forces. When the Baals shoot, the Libby Shields and gives them a 5+ cover while the Baals themselves give my Infantry a 4+ cover. Sometimes the Jumpers cascade and sometimes they split up to camp with the AC/LC Preds. This gives me a solid wall of AV13 armor while providing 30 marine boots on the table for scoring and assaulting purposes. In fact, I've been playing this list since the codex released and I've never changed from this. The original design was coined 3/3 using Baals and Vindicators, but with the rise of Razorspam, Mech IG and DE, the AC/LC Preds have proved invaluable.


What kind of lists do you guys take that incorporates both armor elements and jumpers? Personally I can't see myself playing Blood Angels without Jump Infantry.

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Well, there is notjing bad in running a hybrid list, actually. Especially if it works ^_^ The list or yours is similar to what I ran back in times of 4th ed and pdf-dex. It's just nowadays mech lists are popular as they enable cheap transports. I'm not too fond of them, but, I am no tourney player.

As per myself I run two lists: pure jumpy one, and mechanized (with tactical marines). I just feel the need to run two completely different armies. And while I had certain success with my DoA list, I'm yet to test my mech one.

I'm tempted to run a hybrid list, and the units I posess allow me to do this. And if I run it I'm most likely do it the way you do - with baals, assault squads, but with the addition of tacts or devs and/or bikes.

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Sounds VERY similar to the list most people used to run in 4th with the WD. worked well then can't really imagine why it wouldn't work now. Personally I'm an all in kinda guy, I go all mech/Jump/Gunline, depending on what I feel like at the time.
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I've run hybrid lists for a while, right now I'm testing out more pure jumpy.


I prefer Vindicators in hybrid lists, but what you are doing can work perfectly fine.

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I run a pretty much hybrid list with a mix of RAS razorbacks squad, JP assault squads, sometimes a tac and a few tanks with either VGV squad or HG and it seems to run fine by me. I can advance behind my advancing tanks, Razorbacks or jump in whilst still unloading a considerable amount of fire. Have a few problems against horders. Find it is better to move about and make them come to me whilst whittling them down.
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My current hybrid list is as follows.




2x Libby Furiosos (Might, Wings)


2 x 10 ASM Fist 2x Mela




Honor Guard


StormRaven, Locator Beacon, EA, LC, TML


Devs with LCs


Its worked quite well for me so far. Not the "most competetive" build ever, but it has been sucessful in most cases and has the tools to handle most enemies.

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It's nice, in that it forces your opponent to deal with the AV 13 frontal armour (mostly, Preds have a pretty narrow front) as the swarm is following behind it. But it still suffers from the fatal flaw of all hybrid lists. Your opponent fires his anti-infantry at the jumpers and it's anti-tank at the tanks. Most anti-infantry weapons have a poor AP, medium strength and are designed to pile on the wounds. Your cover save of 4+ behind the tanks is irrelevant because he won't be firing any weapons with low AP at them and your 3+ save will almost always be used instead.


As for the 5+ save that Shield gives the tanks. It's a nice bonus, but it is largely junk. I was one of Shield's biggest fans but constant use has convinced me that it is not reliable enough to base an army around. Or to hope to protect your tanks.


Having said that I think you run enough Preds to keep your opponent busy, and your assault troops will neatly be able to counter any melta that gets close and will slag your tanks.


The main problem in this list is that you really have to play aggressive with it. There little tactical flexibility beyond 'attack!' Which is fine, and it does look like a lot of fun to play. But I have the feeling that you would be sorely stuck against a gunline army who can outshoot you, or even a Mechdar opponent who could really take advantage of the weak AV11 side armour of the Preds, and the exposed nature of the Assault squads.

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I'm thinking of running a slightly less nasty version of the list in the OP.



Two small scout squads with locator beacons in the front.


In the back I deploy armor in a diamond shaped formation.

An ACLC pred in front

Lasplas RB with assault squad and Lib (with shield) in center to give cover saves.

TLLC RB with RAS on the left or right.

two whirlwinds with HK missiles in the rear.



Not tournament winning but PITA layout for many armies.


This all works out at about 1000-1100 pts depending on wargear, the question is what to keep in reserve? Assault squads? DC? VV? Terminators?

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I'm thinking of running a slightly less nasty version of the list in the OP.



Two small scout squads with locator beacons in the front.


In the back I deploy armor in a diamond shaped formation.

An ACLC pred in front

Lasplas RB with assault squad and Lib (with shield) in center to give cover saves.

TLLC RB with RAS on the left or right.

two whirlwinds with HK missiles in the rear.



Not tournament winning but PITA layout for many armies.


This all works out at about 1000-1100 pts depending on wargear, the question is what to keep in reserve? Assault squads? DC? VV? Terminators?


I like the sound of that, sounds fun.

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I suppose I'm a bit off the beaten path because while I technically run a Hybrid list, it certainly isn't the more traditional Hybrid style list like Hero's and others have listed. Personally I tend to favor fast anti vehicle lists that power through assaults. I tend to throw a significant amount of threat at my opponents in the way of big killy stuff so that they're too distracted to focus on more important stuff until it's too late. Small, elite based close combat lists with low model counts are probably not what people think of immediately when they think hybrid.


Personally I've found I absolutely love attack bikes with multi meltas, storm ravens, vindicators, predators when they aren't failing. I really do like multiple TLLC razorbacks. Now that I've played with multiples I think 2 TLLC razorbacks is a strong addition to just about any list out there and dirt cheap. Combined with mephiston, a vindicator, a LR variant, or a stormraven the razorbacks garner very little attention.


I also like the assault squads because I've found they're pretty unmatched as far as their versatility. A tactic I've been using recently to mixed success is to drop them on an objective I want later on in the fight. This actually tends to get them templated to hell so I'm probably going to stop doing it. But every now and then it works. Prior to that I'd run one or two assault squads constantly behind a vehicle and they always did very well.


I suppose I can see the merits to running a purely DoA or mech list, but there's certainly a lot of merit to combining the two in Hybrid lists. Having a lot of different units that are good at different things is in a boon in this game, I've found. Especially at tournaments.

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