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Flesh Tearer helmet color predicament

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So I decided to paint using the Flesh Tearers palette but then I thought that perhaps having shoulder pads, eagle, helmet, and backpack all black that it might be too much black and I thought that instead I should follow the Blood Angel squad coherency with the different helmet colors to categorize what type of marine. So I painted up an assault marine with all the colors of a flesh tearer but with a yellow helmet. I'm just wondering what you all think of this. I'm torn because I think it looks good but not when compared to the fluff of the chapter. Any insights, thoughts, etc would be appreciated.



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I've considered painting the helmets black, and adding a stripe of the appropriate color to them. I differentiate my veterans by edging their pauldrons in gold, but I haven't finished my assault squad yet. Only my jump pack assault squad is going to wear helmets (I just can't think it's a good idea to jump out of a Thunderhawk without proper headgear, no matter how crazy or bloodthirsty you are), the ground-pounders are all going to be helmetless, so they can rip enemy throats out with their teeth.


The MK VI helms would have a yellow stripe all the way down the front, while MK VII or otherwise will likely have a stripe kind of off-center. I'm going to test it first, and I won't be able to finish them until my move back to the States is complete (everything shipped away on Thursday last week <_< ), but I'll post up some photos when I'm finished with them.

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You can also paint the upper portion of the helmet yellow whilst keeping the lower face guard portion black. Like this.



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Interesting find, not sure how to paint that and actually make it look good to me. But definitely something to think about.



Just making the mohawk-esque crest on the helmets yellow would suffice (and probably look good,) or you could try a hazard stripe or hazard arrow idea...



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I still think a stripe would be the way to go personally. I am a Knights of Blood player so I have quite a bit or artistic licence when it comes to my painting. With my Terminators I did a couple with yellow and red helmets. you could do something similar with black and yellow :)






Please ignore the flash on the 2nd hammer (oops) its now gone :)

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