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ordnance, barrage, ordnance barrage


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Both Whirlwind and Vindi have ordnance barrage weapons and can fire just as ordnance or ordnance barrage, I read the rule book but Im a bit confused about the difference can someone explain it to me please?


If Im reading it right they can move 6 and just fire the main weapon?


Also can they move and fire?


And Im assuming that they both use the big pie plate?


Sorry if this comes across as stupid but Ive not used these unit before and Im fielding them today!



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vindi only has ordnance, shoots only line of sight and uses big blast marker. Whirlwind has ord barrage, can shoot at things out of direct los, has a choice of ammo, uses large blast marker. It is all in the codex and the rulebook.
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Writting out of memory so...


The main reason is indirect firing (no need of LOS), which only the WW can (barrage). Both (vindi and WW) are artillery though, which means you can only shoot the artillery weapon and nothing else.


Yes, you can move 6 inches, but if you do so, you can't shoot indirect fire.


Both use the big template and it doesn't sound stupid... just that you didn't do your howework! Go to the corner and face the wall and think about what you did :)

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Ordnance uses the large blast template

They can move and fire using the normal rules

They roll 2D6 and choose the highest for armour penetration

No other weapons AT ALL may be fired, not even defensive.


Ordnance Barrage is the same as Ordnance except;

the vehicle cannot move

Barrage is like a blast weapon, so causes pinning and scatters.

the barrage may use indirect fire (no LOS required)

If firing at a target out of LOS then the BS of firer is ignored for scatter

Pinning tests are at an additional -1 modifier


Ordnance is on p58-60 and barrage is on p32

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vindi only has ordnance, shoots only line of sight and uses big blast marker. Whirlwind has ord barrage, can shoot at things out of direct los, has a choice of ammo, uses large blast marker. It is all in the codex and the rulebook.


on page 144 of the C:SM is says that the Demolisher Cannon is Ord 1, Barrage? Was this cleared up in an faq then? cause I thought that that means it doesn't need LOS? just in range but scatter full 2d6?

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Ordnance uses the large blast template

They can move and fire using the normal rules

They roll 2D6 and choose the highest for armour penetration

No other weapons AT ALL may be fired, not even defensive.


Ordnance Barrage is the same as Ordnance except;

the vehicle cannot move

Barrage is like a blast weapon, so causes pinning and scatters.

the barrage may use indirect fire (no LOS required)

If firing at a target out of LOS then the BS of firer is ignored for scatter

Pinning tests are at an additional -1 modifier


Ordnance is on p58-60 and barrage is on p32



one mistake

Ordanance does not necisarily use the large blast marker, or any blast marker at all for that matter. A weapon that is ordanance 1 for example will fire using standard BS to hit. what you are likely thinking of is the line that says all ordance blast weapons use large blasts unless stated otherwise in their profile, but it has to be an ordance blast weapon in the first place. (which is why odrance barrage uses large blast by default, becuase all barage weapons are blast weapons, but if the profile said so, ordance barrage could use the small blast marker).




vindi only has ordnance, shoots only line of sight and uses big blast marker. Whirlwind has ord barrage, can shoot at things out of direct los, has a choice of ammo, uses large blast marker. It is all in the codex and the rulebook.


on page 144 of the C:SM is says that the Demolisher Cannon is Ord 1, Barrage? Was this cleared up in an faq then? cause I thought that that means it doesn't need LOS? just in range but scatter full 2d6?



pgg 144 is the summery, and conlficted with pg 80, which stated the demolisher canons was Ord 1.


Whenever there is a conflict the army entry wins, thus the demolisher canon was NEVER a barrage weapon, but was for a while not a blast weapon (this made it a superior anti vehicle weapon, though distincly inferior anti infintry for a time being).


It was then Errataed (not FAQ'd there is an important diference) to be Ord 1, large blast. The same thing happened later to the space wolves, and later the blood angels, because GW can't edit worth :D.

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Fast Ordinance Barrage can move 6" and fire. Ie. BA whirlies are better than those of other chapters. I was using them for months before being informed here that they can move and fire in barrage mode.
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Fast Ordinance Barrage can move 6" and fire. Ie. BA whirlies are better than those of other chapters. I was using them for months before being informed here that they can move and fire in barrage mode.

Partially incorrect. Fast vehicles may fire Ordnance weapons when moving at Combat Speed. But Fast does not override the Ordnance Barrage prohibition against being stationary in order to fire. So you could fire the Whirlwind using Direct Fire, but could not fire it Indirectly.

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Fast Ordinance Barrage can move 6" and fire. Ie. BA whirlies are better than those of other chapters. I was using them for months before being informed here that they can move and fire in barrage mode.

Partially incorrect. Fast vehicles may fire Ordnance weapons when moving at Combat Speed. But Fast does not override the Ordnance Barrage prohibition against being stationary in order to fire. So you could fire the Whirlwind using Direct Fire, but could not fire it Indirectly.

I thought the same as you, but shatter in an old BA thread quoted the rulebook and he is right on this one.

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I thought the same as you, but shatter in an old BA thread quoted the rulebook and he is right on this one.

Great. Can you post a page number reference?

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I thought the same as you, but shatter in an old BA thread quoted the rulebook and he is right on this one.

Great. Can you post a page number reference?

I'm hoping shatter comes along with it. I don't have book access right now.

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