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Starting a DoA based Flesh Tearer Army


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Hey guys'n'gals,


I've been thinking about starting my third 40k army, others being 2k of Dark Angels and 2k of 'Cloven' Space Wolves. The main motivation for starting this third army is that I have recently started a new job, and getting to my FLGS after work in time for a game requires me to carry my army with me on the train. And as you can imagine carrying a large figure case on public transport during rush hour is less than fun, so I'm looking to start a mech-less army, and I've always liked the jump-pack theme.


Sooo, I got myself a copy of the codex to see if I could come up with something that I like the looks of, and I was hoping I could get peoples opinion on the general composition of this army, just for reference my FLGS runs 1500pt games on 4'x4' tables, so I'm thinking DoA will be situational against specific types of opponent, and I'd like to avoid anything larger model wise than a space marine with a jump pack :)


The two ways I can see myself going is to either build an army around DoA, and include elements such as VV's followed by an Honour Guard packing 4x meltas along with priests and 30 assault marines lead by a captain. Or go more fluffy and include a semi large squad of Death Company marines in-place of the VV's and Honour Guard lead by a reclusiarch and the same 30 marines with priests.


Im not to worried about the competitiveness of the army, but in the same breath I don't want the army to constantly lose to Necrons :)


In the description I promised pictures, during my conversion frenzy when working on my 'Cloven' army I got a DC box to test using the infernos pistol as a combi melta, (it looked awesome just to expensive) so had bits to build a random test model, so have at it.







My hope is that a horde-esk army of crazy jump packing marines would look awesome :D

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If you don't want transports of any kind I would sugest not using the death company and sticking with the vanguard vets and honour guard.


Test model looks nice :devil:

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Thanks for the replies :)


If you don't want transports of any kind I would sugest not using the death company and sticking with the vanguard vets and honour guard.


Yeah I was thinking DC with jump packs maybe a bit of a liability on a small table, as they are easily lead around the board.



yea id go the hounour guard and vanguard route, though id take a libby or chappy over a captain anyday... or even one of the jump packing characters... they are all good.


Yeah, on second thoughts I think I'll roll with the Sanguinor, largely because of his buff, makes the rest of the troops feel more tearer'ey :D


I've got a post going over in the army list section, if your interested.

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