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Beheading Tycho..

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Well, I have carved up very difficult models in the past, but it would be much easier to remove the head and use the body than vice versa. That said I recommend one of two alternatives to just chopping him up:


1. Wait til all the GW metal blisters go resin, in the next few months, that will make it WORLDS easier to do this kind of conversion. The downside is that A: you have to wait, and maybe worse B: you have to re-purchase the model. You could always sell/trade the existing metal one to someone on Dakka or Bartertown though. He may be metal, but since he's toting a Combi-melta, that makes him at least worth what people are paying for Combi-meltas these days (upwards of $8, depending on where you go)


2. Make a press mold of the head. This requires a bit of experience and finesse, but has the advantage of not gouging up a usable model (even if you don't really like the fig). This is the route I'd go. After you have a suitable mold, and a suitable cast made for the head, you can trade the full model to someone else who *does* like Tycho's model, and maybe get a fig in return that you do want. Win-win.


Just my thoughts. Hope they help!



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I would suggest going with the moulding option too. Great for getting most details of most models. Just make a ball of green stuff or other material of choice and then stick it on his head, wait for it to set and then use as a mould by sticking more green stuff in it. Don't forget to lube up his head before shoving the stuff on. Same goes for when you fill the mould.
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I would suggest going with the moulding option too. Great for getting most details of most models. Just make a ball of green stuff or other material of choice and then stick it on his head, wait for it to set and then use as a mould by sticking more green stuff in it. Don't forget to lube up his head before shoving the stuff on. Same goes for when you fill the mould.



Having absolutely no experience doing this, am I understanding correctly that this is a 2 part process. Greenstuff around his head (Wrap around, shove on?) let GS set. Remove GS, and fill "GS mold" with new GS, thus creating a 2nd head? This about right? I have enough GS lying around, so i suppose i'll have a go at it...



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the modern tychos head should be relatively easy to take off. unlike the old 1 with the halo... also the bolter is a pain to rescue...


(and yea im aware you want to do it the other way round...)

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Got it in one crimson cartel. Just don't forget to lube his head (vaseline works well) before splodging the green on, and again when pushing green into the mould. Good luck with it.





Me thinks i'm gonna give this a go. About how "tacky" should I make the 2nd GS? 50/50 yellow/blue is pretty stiff, can you suggest a good consistency to use (I realize this may be difficult... :D )Thanks!



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60/40 in favour of the blue. And put the vaseline on the green stuff not the head.


You will find it quite difficult to make a full 3D mould though, so you would be better off just trying to capture the front detail of his face and then fulling in the back with sculpted hair once you have cast up a copy.

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60/40 in favour of the blue. And put the vaseline on the green stuff not the head.


You will find it quite difficult to make a full 3D mould though, so you would be better off just trying to capture the front detail of his face and then fulling in the back with sculpted hair once you have cast up a copy.


The other option is to do a two part mold which will just take one curing process longer. But give you the full head just fine.

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the modern tychos head should be relatively easy to take off. unlike the old 1 with the halo...


I thought the old model with the halo was a "generic" Blood Angel captain rather than Tycho specifically?


It was. The whole Tycho background begins with that generic Captain and a 2nd edition battle report between Jervis Johnson and Andy Chambers. First turn the Captain christened 'Tycho' by Andy gets taken out by a Wierdboy psychic power.


Edit: Quick googling and I found it was WD166 back in 1993. 18 years ago! http://www.gamehobby.net/white_dwarf_magaz..._dwarf_166.html

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yup. so its prety much to me the old model was tycho before the ork insident(even though he was only captain for a short while during the second war for armegeddon before the weirdboy incident, the previous captain was lost at the begininng of the engagement) and the current model was post the recovery...
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as long as you dont mind butchering the body its not too hard.. just cut a triangle into the body so that the head doesnt come anywhere near the saw, then remove the excess.
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as long as you dont mind butchering the body its not too hard.. just cut a triangle into the body so that the head doesnt come anywhere near the saw, then remove the excess.



I'm gonna give the green stuff/vaseline thing 1 go, and if that doesn't seem to work... then it's off with his head. There isn't too much on the model that is overly worth saving, especially with all the Sang Guard bits these days.



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