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Mech BA Tactica - Yay or Nay?


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Good afternoon fellow BA players. I was wondering if there was any need or want for a Mech Blood Angel tactica.


I've been playing BA since I started 40k. I play Mech IG as a secondary army and I normally play against good people with good tournament worthy lists. (Non-fluffy lists, not that there is anything wrong with fluffy lists.)


So the question is if anyone is interested in a Mech BA Tactica/ Compilation? I would be willing to write one up but it will take a very long time as I plan on making it detailed and information filled for newer and vet players. If it's not really needed though I would like to know since it will take quite a good chunk of my time and would rather not waste it if there isn't a large interest.


So brothers and sisters, yay or nay?

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Would have loved one when I started. The information you bring to all the mech threads I have read including my own with your replies are always real helpful. You seem very knowledgeable with Mech BA, it's play style and unit synergy when building lists. You have my vote!

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Dude, you wouldnt be wasting your time. Theres always a need for insight and information and differing opinions from different sources. Even if one existed, it wouldnt be out of place to do another one!


More opinions the better.


Keep it coming!

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I vote in support of a tactica. The more knowledge the better. I can definitely use the advice as I mostly play DoA inspired lists, but own more than enough vehicles that I use too little. ;) :)
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very much yes. i know alot of people play mech yet others try to do a hybrid w/ DoA including me. Id benefit greatly from the mech tactical but id also love to hear your opinions about hybrid lists if you ever add a small part about them, even if it is simply that you find them ineffective because of certain aspects it would provide some insight into what not to try. this project sounds like a great read
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I´m also in the "yes" corner. Although i got enought marines to do both, im not sure how to play mech.


Another reason for playing mech is that i would love to play an army centered around a "deathstar" (not convinced that its the right name considering the pointcost) based on a Librarian, Sanguine Priest and bodyguards in terminator armor. Theres something about that unit that makes me feel good...


So do it i say! I promise to read it!

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I would also like to see a BA Mech Tactica as I have a few vehicles myself. (Just made a twinlinked assault cannon turret for my Razorback using the assault cannons from two land speeders. It looks pretty good)


I would also like to see a land speeder tactica.

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Sure, there is always a lack of actual sound tactical advice on the internet, most things revolve around unit/list advice and that's it...


Although I'm a bit worried because of this line:

Since then I have beaten multiple WAAC 'Ard boys players (2 of whom took 1st and 2nd place) and play against competitively tournament built Orc, SW, DE, Eldar and BA lists regularly

This isn't all that special I'm afraid (WAAC Ard boys players? They cheated or were they actual good players? And how's your insight regarding Tau and IG?)

Not to say that it means you're not a good player, just wondering if this is 'enough'.

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Sure, there is always a lack of actual sound tactical advice on the internet, most things revolve around unit/list advice and that's it...


Although I'm a bit worried because of this line:

Since then I have beaten multiple WAAC 'Ard boys players (2 of whom took 1st and 2nd place) and play against competitively tournament built Orc, SW, DE, Eldar and BA lists regularly

This isn't all that special I'm afraid (WAAC Ard boys players? They cheated or were they actual good players? And how's your insight regarding Tau and IG?)

Not to say that it means you're not a good player, just wondering if this is 'enough'.


This is exactly the kind of questions I was trying to avoid. I placed what I had beaten just to give you a reference to what I have done. I am not saying in any way that I am "special." I'm unaware of any qualifications to what you mean by "if this is enough." I have a good amount of experience playing them, against good players. Who bring good lists, no fluffy oriented built lists. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but the tactica I am envisioning is directed towards helping players get better against other well built armies.


Regarding Tau I have no experience since the only Tau player we have rarely comes to our LFGS. Regarding IG I would say I know a lot about them, since my secondary army is IG :huh:

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This is exactly the kind of questions I was trying to avoid. I placed what I had beaten just to give you a reference to what I have done.

Well this might sounds strange, but *because* you said those things I got those questions. When somebody talks about any achievements or whatever then they either have to be impressive or they don't help at all but rather achieve the contrary. WAAC Ard boyz players? I mean, wut? :D You know what the word WAAC means right?


I am not saying in any way that I am "special." I'm unaware of any qualifications to what you mean by "if this is enough."

Hah, it sounded harsher than I meant to. Couldn't find the right word. Of course there are no qualifications and I think it's a great initiative that you want to write such a thing, little more confidence mate :P


What did I mean with it? Well it is more meant to warn you/help you: It just takes a lot of time to write such a thing if you aim for helping both beginners and veterans. Especially writing stuff for veterans isn't easy, really. You could for example write a guide for beginners first and see how that goes.

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This is exactly the kind of questions I was trying to avoid. I placed what I had beaten just to give you a reference to what I have done.

Well this might sounds strange, but *because* you said those things I got those questions. When somebody talks about any achievements or whatever then they either have to be impressive or they don't help at all but rather achieve the contrary. WAAC Ard boyz players? I mean, wut? :) You know what the word WAAC means right?


I am not saying in any way that I am "special." I'm unaware of any qualifications to what you mean by "if this is enough."

Hah, it sounded harsher than I meant to. Couldn't find the right word. Of course there are no qualifications and I think it's a great initiative that you want to write such a thing, little more confidence mate :P


What did I mean with it? Well it is more meant to warn you/help you: It just takes a lot of time to write such a thing if you aim for helping both beginners and veterans. Especially writing stuff for veterans isn't easy, really. You could for example write a guide for beginners first and see how that goes.


I'm going to put what I learned through playing Mech BA for about a year or so. If veterans learn any new tidbit from it then great, if not then oh well they are much more knowledgeable and can probably help with the tactica if they have any ideas of their own that maybe I don't know of yet. It will be a starting point for beginners and hopefully help some vets. I don't think there is any 'vet mech BA player" who knows every single thing there is to playing Mech BA. So anyone can really learn something. Obviously vets not so much though...


Yes I know what WAAC means...By WAAC I mean they do things even like cheating, bend rules or over points list to win.


Anyways, I'm going to take that part of my introduction out then because it seems people will still question your credentials to write a tactica if your giving general experience instead of amazing tournament records.

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