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Build miniture re-working help

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Hail Brothers,


Is there any way for me to desolve the citidel glue with out damaging the miniture? A friend gave the the rements of a DA Vet Squad (which is what got me back into 40k after approx. 12 year break) and i assembled them to be nothing more than shelf queens, but now i have put together a nice battle force i want to use them as part of my battle fore but the dont meet the rules for the DA codex as i just put together what looked cool at the time. I guess i could try to pull the arm off but im worried that might damage the model too. Any ideas or suggestions please.


Many thanks

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If you're thorough on your assembling (covering all the contact surface with enough glue), you're in for a hard time :) I'd suggest working you way in with a hobby knife... and being patient.


If you don't put that much glue, I'd suggest placing the model in the freezer overnight and try to snap it. The cool effect is so that plastic is not soft due to heat... but you do risk snapping of the model.


So for arms, I'd give it a go.


Heads and torso's... tough luck.

yeah plastic glue rocks if you did your test build and posing, because once set its done and it aint gona break.

the down side is - it aint going to break , your only ssolution is to go all Dr frakenstein and either use a hobby saw (i use to have one that had a thin metal wire instead of blade - that worked a treat) or a sharp hobby knife to slice the bits off. but GO SLOWLY you dont want to slice right through and damage the model (or your hand/fingers for that matter)


Good luck!

Saw or sharp knife could still work, escpecially on the arms. Heads and legs could be more difficult and might require some resculpting afterwards.


Some pictures or a better description on what you want to rebuild in what way could help us help you.

It is still very possible to get the parts apart.. As others have said, work it with a knife, get a file in there and pry it apart. Unless you do something like try to take the arm off by holding it at the hand, I am confident you can get most of them apart without snapping. The bond is still significantly weaker than the plastic itself you could probably just get there and pull them apart with your hands right now (I have done so more than once without a problem) I would however follow everyones advice just to be safe.
While there's nothing that will de-bond a plastic glue bond, a sharp blade should seperate arms and backpacks from the body pretty easily with out much damage. Even bolters and such can be trimmed off preety well by cutting along the lower edge where it meets the pistol grip and wedgeing it out of the cupped hand. Just go slow are carefully.


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