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Long range dread support

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Ok running a mix. Dante with sg, 2 sps one with Dante one with termies. A RAS, and TAC squad a furioso and a SR. I have room for a dread that is more long range support. Whats my best option and where do I get the left arm guns? I don't mind a bit of conversion either.
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Depends what you want it to do, lascannon is only better at killing av13 than autocannons, since you shouldn't be wasting lascannons on land raiders anyway, it depends what av you want the thing to kill,

For av 10 11 and 12 your better of with autos,


Personally I'm a big fan of plasma/missile. Still enough to pop light transports, but tough enough to deal with heavy infantry. Forge world do all of the arms for about 7£ a pop, but they are easy enough to convert if you have the heavies kicking around.

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Personally I'm a big fan of plasma/missile. Still enough to pop light transports, but tough enough to deal with heavy infantry. Forge world do all of the arms for about 7£ a pop, but they are easy enough to convert if you have the heavies kicking around.


Single shot missile launcher is very bland though, hopefully it will be HEAVY 2 again just like the typhoon and cyclone in the next batch of codexes.

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Or you can use two straws.




or you can use two lolipops


On a serious note, Autocannon is typically the way to go if you want long range fire suppose on a dred.


I was rather serious, making a TLAC isn't that hard with a straw and the ML arm.


Pics or it didn't happen.

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Or you can use two straws.




or you can use two lolipops


On a serious note, Autocannon is typically the way to go if you want long range fire suppose on a dred.


I was rather serious, making a TLAC isn't that hard with a straw and the ML arm.


Pics or it didn't happen.


What, you can't figure out how to make two barrels out of a straw?

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What, you can't figure out how to make two barrels out of a straw?


It's not the fact I don't know how to construct 2 barrels out of a straw, it's the fact I'm trying to see if it looks like :lol: or not.

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What, you can't figure out how to make two barrels out of a straw?


It's not the fact I don't know how to construct 2 barrels out of a straw, it's the fact I'm trying to see if it looks like :D or not.



^ This is why I didn't take it seriously. But if it looks decent in any way then...more power to ya :P

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It really is hard to beat a Rifleman Dread when your targets are AV10-11. They wound infantry reliably as well, and at range.


That being said, you can get a 5 man Dev squad with 4 missile launchers for 10 more points than the Rifleman.

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Or you can use the ones from the aegis defense line.


For example: http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll246/W...er/May10057.jpg


I love my Rifleman Dread! :D To be honest, some games with Land Raider/Monolith spam, he's a little out of touch, but against gneral Mech, including those annoyig DE raiders, he's nearly always the star of the show. And he's taken out his fair share of Storm Ravens too.

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