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SM Jet Bikes

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In all seriousness, this question can be answered by a google-image search. Also, you could go to the Work in Progress subforum and use the search function. ;)



And in theory so can half the questions answered in this forum but I was seeking others opinions not smartass remarks

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Some broken links in this one but still a bunch of nice ideas remaining. Someone asking the same question as you: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/96203.page


Heresy style: http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=46668




More here: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/228867.page


Using battlefleet gothic, I personally think it has potential but the prow is just a bit too small:




Tiriel from these forums made a nice one:




Tutorial for another one here: http://grabski-jetbike.blogspot.com/


I really like this, even though it is obviously based on the Imperial Speeder Bike. Just imagine it angular and it will fit right in with Marines: http://www.anarchy-online.com/anarchy/fron...rt/jetbike1.jpg


All of those were found with two 5 second google image searchs. use the keywords "marine jetbike" and or "jetbike". "Speeder bike" might also get some stuff mainly Star Wars orientated.

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In all seriousness, this question can be answered by a google-image search. Also, you could go to the Work in Progress subforum and use the search function. :D

And in theory so can half the questions answered in this forum but I was seeking others opinions not smartass remarks


I still recommend either:


Go with Olisredan's advice and go google




Give us some more to go from. What kind of look are you going for? What kind of bits do you have on hand?


You can't just throw out a single line question composed in five seconds and expect others to take more time to find you pictures you can easily find yourself.


And if you check my threads or blog, you can find some WiP pictures of my Chaos Sorcerer on Jetbike that might help you.




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In all seriousness, this question can be answered by a google-image search. Also, you could go to the Work in Progress subforum and use the search function. :D



And in theory so can half the questions answered in this forum but I was seeking others opinions not smartass remarks


Much as it looks like a smartass remark, it was also advice. If you don't want to take it, then fair enough.


Edit: Typo.

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