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Question about PWs vs PFs on DC + gear on 5 mans in razors


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I see a lot of people run lists with quite a number of PWs. Why? Isn't it quite easy to put on as many wounds as possible on one unit with some different gear and take saveable wounds on more pricey type of chars? Seems like a waste of points , but most likely I've forgotten something. Please fill in the blanks :) Soo that leads me to my question in particular. I usually run between 5 and 10 DC in either a LR or Razor with my reclusiarch. Most of them with basic stuff and 2 PFs or so for an extra punch against more resilient targets. Would I be better off using some other eq? Other question is how you equip your 5 man assault squads inside razors? I was thinking about giving them a flamer + PF since they are bound to get into CC mess. Inputs on that issue?


I now experiment with a semi mech list with a tac squad + devastators babysitting 1 objectives + 2 razors roaming around to take other ones with LR w my hammer unit of the day with some various support if it's to any kind of help.


Thanks in advance for any answers.

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I see a lot of people run lists with quite a number of PWs. Why? Isn't it quite easy to put on as many wounds as possible on one unit with some different gear and take saveable wounds on more pricey type of chars? Seems like a waste of points , but most likely I've forgotten something. Please fill in the blanks :)


Soo that leads me to my question in particular. I usually run between 5 and 10 DC in either a LR or Razor with my reclusiarch. Most of them with basic stuff and 2 PFs or so for an extra punch against more resilient targets. Would I be better off using some other eq? Other question is how you equip your 5 man assault squads inside razors? I was thinking about giving them a flamer + PF since they are bound to get into CC mess. Inputs on that issue?


Ignoring armorsaves (and FNP) is usually a huge advantage. Assault marines, even DC, don't cause that many wounds without PWs. Having a ton of them also makes it harder for your opponent to work around them using WABS.


Many people shy away from fists in small squads since they could easily be gobbled up before it gets a chance to strike. The flamer partially offsets this but is not really effective against the same things you need the fist for.

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for the cost of a fist you can nearly have 2 powerweapons. death co dont usually need anything other than a fist as they with a chaplin can put out enough attacks well enough to overwhelm most units. power weapons on them just make things quicker.


now as for 5 man squads, i only run one, with melta gun and powerweapon. in a flamer back. they are a threat to anyone but are unimportant enough that they can be ignored. i wouldnt stick a fist in there becasue they are so few and with a fist being init 1 itll probably never get to swing. its only a support unit. if i had lots of them id consider a few fists spread out but as is i wouldnt. though if you were planning to use the unit as pure anti tank a fist and meltagun could be effective but it means a few more pointsaway from somewhere else. also a infernus might be a better investment on the sarge for anti tank anyway...

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In a 5 man DC, seeing as they have Rage and could charge allsorts they definitely need at least a Power Fist, and preferably a Thunder Hammer. If they have a Chaplain in the squad, then the increased wounds caused by the normal attacks on the charge, plus his Crozius mean that an edditional PW isn't really needed. However if it is just 5 DC on their own, then I would always add in an extra PW on top of the Fist/Hammer to ensure they get through their enemy in 2 turns of combat.
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the other thing to keep in mind is that killing a sargeant three times over or even a much needed meltagun isnt of much use compared to losing an extra bolter marine or two. Which is why a power weapon can still be good to get them to the point that losing that meltagun or sargeant is a worth while endeavour for your opponent.


From your own games when fighting a combat do you just stack up the Pwep wounds where ever possible whenever possible?


3 power weapon wounds, 5 armour saves on 2 bolter marines and a sargeant. Do you put 3 Pweps on the sargeant to save one bolter marine ? Or do you put 2 armour saves on the sargeant to try and save him?


2 Power weapon wounds and 5 Normal saves on 5 marines, Meltagun and Sargeant. Do you stack the Pweps on the melta or the Sargeant? Do you put them on the normal marines and just take saves on your specials?

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neither. welll it rarely comes up for me but dont think its right stacking powerweapon hits. regardless it involves to much thinking right now. though usuallly i make sure my meltagunners die before the sarge as they have a single attack vs his 3, not that it matters....
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PFs on DC are a bit overrated. If you have 10 DC, or no Chaplain then OK, you need one. But, if you transport them you can point them at their target pretty well, and even if they end up next to a tank/dread they still have krak just in case. Take a MB or fist on the chaplain instead. The MB is a real cheap insurance option, or a fist is only as much as a PW for everybody else and now you get to choose depending on the target.


For 5 man razor squads, a melta gun and a PW. A melta is way better than a PF against armor and the squad is too small to risk a PF against infantry.

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