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need help 2k triple SR list


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Got this tournament this Saturday, its a 2k event 50$ entry and I'd like to make a strong showing. I have no idea how many people will show but I assume the players going are gonna be very skilled since its being run by a reputable gaming club. I don't have a lot of games under my belt but I believe I possess a strong conceptual understanding of game tactics even though I'm self thought. In the past month I've assembled a BA army consisting of 3 stormravens, 2x 10man RAS, 2x full Tactical squads, 10 DC, and the G man.


All this roughly adds up to 2k plus or minus 1-2 priests. What I feel like i lack and probly wont be able to get in time are 2-3 dreads, librarian/chap models.


Im thinking about runing Seth with DC unit in a SR. Run both tacts in a raven each and combat sqaud them in objective games. Keeping the priest inside for bubbles. While the RAS do the whole jumper thing. ATM the DC I'm running with bolters because they wont be using packs.




1. How do you feel bout Tactical in a SR and/or without a dread inside.

2. In case the DC unit decides to double tap and still assault does Seth keep them from doing so?

3. Is Hood mandatory?

4. How do you really feel about 3 SR in a 2k list?

5. Not really a question but with point/money constraints I can possibly drop a tactical in total and add in 2BT dreads with a one tactical squad in between 2 SR. Is this worth some 170 dollars?

6. Just scrap BA list entirely and play deathguard/SOB instead?


BTW this would also be my first time playing with them and first game since before pup codex came out. Im glutton for punishment.

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Got this tournament this Saturday, its a 2k event 50$ entry and I'd like to make a strong showing. I have no idea how many people will show but I assume the players going are gonna be very skilled since its being run by a reputable gaming club. I don't have a lot of games under my belt but I believe I possess a strong conceptual understanding of game tactics even though I'm self thought. In the past month I've assembled a BA army consisting of 3 stormravens, 2x 10man RAS, 2x full Tactical squads, 10 DC, and the G man.


All this roughly adds up to 2k plus or minus 1-2 priests. What I feel like i lack and probly wont be able to get in time are 2-3 dreads, librarian/chap models.


Im thinking about runing Seth with DC unit in a SR. Run both tacts in a raven each and combat sqaud them in objective games. Keeping the priest inside for bubbles. While the RAS do the whole jumper thing. ATM the DC I'm running with bolters because they wont be using packs.




1. How do you feel bout Tactical in a SR and/or without a dread inside.

Bad, too many points sunk into the one unit.

2. In case the DC unit decides to double tap and still assault does Seth keep them from doing so?

As long as seth does not shoot then No. But Seth himself is a weak character for his points

3. Is Hood mandatory?

At a tournament of this points then you should have one.

4. How do you really feel about 3 SR in a 2k list?

Good, SR are damaging units, but the list has to be built arround them.

5. Not really a question but with point/money constraints I can possibly drop a tactical in total and add in 2BT dreads with a one tactical squad in between 2 SR. Is this worth some 170 dollars?

Dreads in SR are a BAD idea!!

6. Just scrap BA list entirely and play deathguard/SOB instead?

Depends how much you are willing to change your list.


BTW this would also be my first time playing with them and first game since before pup codex came out. Im glutton for punishment.


The concept behind this list is solid and your therory is good. However this list needs a rebalance.


One important point to rember is that DOA is an effective tatic because of two reasons, the reliablity and the saturation. Dropping 2 RAS infront of most armies at 2K isnt going to cut it. 40 marines in your opponents face T2 is a problem at 1750, not so much at 2k. But if those 40 marines have FNP?? Now thats an issue. BA DOA lists are scary because of this one point, the sheer fire power required to remove X amount of Power Armoured bodies that have FNP. 20 DOA marines arent going to cut it.


You have tried to run a hybrid list that involves ravens. Not a good idea. Ravens are Mech and Mech only. If you have 3 Light Armoured targets on the board T1, where is all the AT going to fly? Right at the ravens. Most lists at 2k in competive environments have more than enough fire power to see those ravens go away in by T2 tops. If you want to run Ravens then you need to run them in Mech.


Also Ravens that are carrying a bucket load of points are bad, because if it gets Imobilised then all those points are stuck in the one spot.


On to Seth. He is not that good character beyond been a combat beast, and he is only just above average at that. For his price tag of 160 pts? No thanks. Consider saving yourself 60 pts and pick up a Libby that can psy hood and give your mech a 5+ cover and have another power. Offers better synergy.


A better list that factors in all of these reasons is this


Libby SOS+ (Unleash rage?)

3 Ravens

4 Squads of ASM in Lasplas razors

2 Tact squads in rhinos ( working with what models you have )

2 Priest


This is a solid list because it saturates mech and FNP bodies. It also doesnt require you to buy much more beyond the transports.


Sorry mate, IMO ravens should only be found in this kind of list.


Hope I could help your foray into battle as one of Sanguinus's Captains :lol: Good luck at the tourney ^_^




Rogue Pilot

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I really like the concept. (I too run a 3 raven list)

However I think you are missing a couple of the big selling points of ravens.


1. Assault Ramps - tac squads are going to want to disembark and rapid fire most of the time.

2. Dread Capacity - not running any dreads wastes this powerful and unique ability.


Overall, I don't want to tell you it can't be done as is because everyone has their own style and this may work for you.

But you are paying a TON of points on these flyers and they are not worth it as gunships and objective contesters alone.

The only way to make them worthwhile is to safely deliver a pair of nasty units right in your opponents face.


I would therefore suggest that you drop the tacs for two more assault squads (either 5 with packs or 10 without) and stick them in the raider. Dual special weapons gives them a lot of flexibility in their targets and cc weapons allows them to make use of the combat ramps.

Alternatively, you could switch places between the two ras and tacs if you really want the fire support.


Anyway good luck, have fun.


Edit: just read rogue pilots reply.

That may be some of the worst raven advice I've ever seen. I find it hard to believe that he's ever even played with a storm raven. Taking them with absolutely no cargo is idiotic. They are not worth 200+ pts on their own AND they can drop off their cargo anywhere on the board by turn 2. That's actually a reason to take MORE valuable units in them. Who cares if they've been shot down if they've already delivered 12 guys and a dread. Furthermore, Seth is widely considered a great special character because the upgrades compared to a captain are well worth the slight differences in pts. I honestly can't believe how terrible that list was.

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Ok, 3 SRs are fun. At 2000 its a major point sink for your list. I would ditch the DC. Without a chaplin and a dread they are a waste of points IMHO. A ten man is what 200 points? I would drop them, and a tac, pick up a few furiosos. Those guys are 13 in the front and ws 6. I cant tell you how much pain dual BTs can pump out. If you are gonna use the SR as assault vehicles, if you are not using them to drop off dreads with a kill team, whats the point? In my 2k list I have 2. I run a termie squad with a SP and a furioso out of one, and my RAS and dread out of the other. If you where to dump a TAC and took on a reclus and a dc dread that would work too. Remember that the DC dread is fleet and has FC, things insane. Actually for that list I might dump both tacs. Its a real in your face list, why go half way.


I also love running Dante, but thats just the way I roll. I love gold. Other than that that looks like a really fun list. Just MOVE. Use those SRs. There is a temptation to sit still and fire off all that lovely weaponry. I take hurricane bolters on mine. with str 4 they are a def weapon so you can go the 12 dump the lads, and fire off everything other than the missiles. Since you will most likley be in assault range thats 12 dice from the bolters that are rerolled to hit, 4 rerolls that are rending and for me a POTMS multimenta on some poor sap. And if you bust it flat out you still can POTMS and poor out some pain.


Ok took a look at Rouge P's list. Do not run that. You are better off getting Baals, or something for the points. The main point to a SR is dread transport and BAs have some of the best dreads in the game, and certainly the best CC dreads. SRs get those guys there fast. SRs only have 12 armor. They dont take the extra d6 from melta because they are supposed to be up in someones grill. All it takes is one rifleman dread (esp GK) to ruin a SR. So sitting back idle shooting stuff isnt the best way to use 200 points. And I think the day of the razorspam are at an end, people are making lists to stop that stuff. Look at how many missile launchers people are getting these days, and heaven forbid you go up against GK. They will have 4 of those rifleman dreads and they will put a stop to that. I would put money down that razorspam gets shutdown this year in tournies. People have seen it alot the past few years, esp vs BA. They are preparing for it. If you see a ton of MLs and stuff move flat out in t1, get into asault threat range, POTMS what you can, and deliver pain. One of the reasons I take Dante is that I can DoA and take out a vindie or Devo/Havok squad. They hit the ground with one IP shot and 10 4/4 shots. I put a SP with them so they also have FNP. You have a good chance of melting a 5 man squad. Just some stuff to think about.

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1. How do you feel bout Tactical in a SR and/or without a dread inside.

2. In case the DC unit decides to double tap and still assault does Seth keep them from doing so?

3. Is Hood mandatory?

4. How do you really feel about 3 SR in a 2k list?

5. Not really a question but with point/money constraints I can possibly drop a tactical in total and add in 2BT dreads with a one tactical squad in between 2 SR. Is this worth some 170 dollars?

6. Just scrap BA list entirely and play deathguard/SOB instead?


1. I don't like it. For the 200ish points you are spending for a tac squad you could have an assault termie squad instead. And get a dread for sure regardless of what squad you choose.

2. No. Seth doesn't have a rapid fire gun that would restrict his charge ability.

3. Almost.

4. Could be fun, you might be cutting all your options short to afford the 3rd raven though.

5. I'm not sure I understand but, you'd be better putting 2 x man RAS in each with a dread. AoBR Dreads can be converted into Furiosos pretty easily.

6. HERESY!!!!


3 ravens could work but you need to get some killers loaded up in there, termies, Sang guard, Honor guard, DC etc. TACs and RAS aren't going to cut it by themselves.

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Sadly I wont be able to get the dreads yet due to funds in time. Which sucks cause I just got my 3 stormravens and already have them assembled and ready to go.


Looks like ill either run my sisters or my plague marines.

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I disagree. Run your list. Forum advice is fine and all, but you'll learn way more playing the list than you will reading here. Unless you think you're going to place in the money with your other armies, the $50 is out the door either way. If it's a one loss and out tourney, maybe an argument to play something more competitive, but if you're getting a couple of games either way go with the ravens and see what happens.
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