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Point out where this GK tactic become illegal


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A signature move I am planning on using, just want to make sure its completly Legal.


-IC GK Tech with Orbital Strike Relay deployed with a Purifier squad inside their dedicated Rhino.

-Turn one Purifiers get out of Rhino leaving GKTech inside

-Same movement phase, jump inside a nearby LRC

-LRC Can move

-Shooting phase GKTech can fire OSR as he has not moved

-Turns later Crowe (non IC HQ single model) joins Tech in Rhino

-Tech still didnt move so can fire OSR


I am hoping the first five are completly legit. As it can then give me a OSR in a rhino bunker (if presented also in ruin for 3+ cover) that can fire everyturn (even getting passed stunn/shaken)

The last two points I do belive are illegal, buts thats ok I have other plans for Crowe. Just want to know all his options.



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well 2 problems that I can see right off the top.

A unit cannot embark and disembark in the same turn (voluntary) so the purifers couldn't embark into the LRC in the same turn.

Crowe can not join another unit therefore could not embark with the Techmarine as you would have 2 units embarked, which is not legal.

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Ninja'd by SeattleDv8.


I thought you could disembark, move and embark again on a different transport...


IIRC, what you can't do is disembark and embark the same unit in the same transport.

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Couldnt you just start the tech off in the rhino?


You can only deploy models in a transport if its their designated transport or its nobody's (a heavy support for example).


So if he wants to have the tech in the rhino (which has firing points and can use the OSR), he has to start the game attached to the squad and inside the transport.

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A model with the IC rule cannot join with a single model unit that that is always a single model unit. Not sure if this applies to Crowe as I think he has the abilty to take a retinue, which means he wouldn't be a model that is always a single model unit, but someone with the GK codex will probably need to clarify this further.
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I thought you could disembark, move and embark again on a different transport...


IIRC, what you can't do is disembark and embark the same unit in the same transport.


BRB pg.66 "...may not voluntarily both embark and disembark in the same player turn."

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Couldnt you just start the tech off in the rhino?


You can only deploy models in a transport if its their designated transport or its nobody's (a heavy support for example).


So if he wants to have the tech in the rhino (which has firing points and can use the OSR), he has to start the game attached to the squad and inside the transport.

Is this different in translation? In the english rules it just says the unit and any independant characters may start in the dedicated transport. It says nothing about them having to be attached to said unit at all.

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Attachment is assumed, since more than one unit cannot be in the same transport at the same time without a specific rule to change it (such as Superheavy transports). If an IC is in a dedicated transport with a squad, the IC by definition must be attached to the squad.



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I thought you could disembark, move and embark again on a different transport...


IIRC, what you can't do is disembark and embark the same unit in the same transport.


BRB pg.66 "...may not voluntarily both embark and disembark in the same player turn."


Thanks for the page. I need to start bookmarking my pages...

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Attachment is assumed, since more than one unit cannot be in the same transport at the same time without a specific rule to change it (such as Superheavy transports). If an IC is in a dedicated transport with a squad, the IC by definition must be attached to the squad.



That wooshing sound was supposed to represent a lack of understanding between us.


...it may only carry the unit it was selected with (plus any independent characters).


I have had this sentence interpreted two ways.


1) That the unit may also include independent characters, but not by themselves without the unit.

2) That the independent character rule allows one to embark- ie plus expands the list, but does not denote a need for the unit to already be there.

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That the independent character rule allows one to embark- ie plus expands the list, but does not denote a need for the unit to already be there.


This is how I took it. Of course I also figured if the captain comes up and goes "get outta there I have a headache and I need a quite break." You dont really argue.

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If its a dedicated transport, only the squad that bought the armour can deploy in it.


So sure, the captain can have a headache...but to deploy, he has to be nice and friendly with the guys who chipped in to buy the 4 wheels :ph34r: At least until turn 1, when he can kick them out xDD

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...it may only carry the unit it was selected with (plus any independent characters).


I have had this sentence interpreted two ways.


1) That the unit may also include independent characters, but not by themselves without the unit.

2) That the independent character rule allows one to embark- ie plus expands the list, but does not denote a need for the unit to already be there.

But that sentence in no way overrides the "one unit per transport" limit, thus the IC must be attached to the unit embarked. Which is reinforced by the "plus IC" rather than "or any independent charcters).

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So just to check that I am understanding the verdict:


-IC GK Tech with Orbital Strike Relay deployed with a Purifier squad inside their dedicated Rhino.


This is ok, otherwise every IC would have to slog or buy their own transport.


-Turn one Purifiers get out of Rhino leaving GKTech inside


A No? I knew the old GK rules meant Dedicated transports never let anyone hijack a ride, but thats why we used to induct guard. This means that unless with a squad no IC get get in any transport?


-Same movement phase, jump inside a nearby LRC


Again seems like a strong No, getting out one and into another seems to falls under the "embark and disembark in one turn" even though its the wrong way around


-LRC Can move


No problems here at all


-Shooting phase GKTech can fire OSR as he has not moved


Thats if he is allowed to stay in there...


-Turns later Crowe (non IC HQ single model) joins Tech in Rhino

Crow is not an IC just a single model, I may of been getting confused with how we can now pack IC into a 1 man paladin squad.


-Tech still didnt move so can fire OSR

Honestly I was beliving that as Crowe had moved, the tech would also count.



Well different tactics is just gice Crowe the whole LRC to himself, he can then blitz up field with the second squad (Rhino/Razor, depending on points) Leaving the GKTech and origional squad objective guarding.



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You can deploy the techmarine in the rhino (if attached to the squad that bought the transports) and he will be able to shoot (since he didn't move).


Nothing else is allowed due to the reasons stated above.


A common tactic a BA friend does to me is throw his LRC into my lines, dump 5 terminators+chappy+libby... while keeping the sang priest in the LR (hence giving all the benefits measuring from the hull and having no risk).

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-Turn one Purifiers get out of Rhino leaving GKTech inside


A No? I knew the old GK rules meant Dedicated transports never let anyone hijack a ride, but thats why we used to induct guard. This means that unless with a squad no IC get get in any transport?

This part is a yes. The IC was attached to the squad the DT was purchased for so both may start the game embarked. The unit can disembark turn 1 leaving the IC detached and still embarked in the transport as you are past the deployment phase were the DT restriction is enforced. Other than this, all your points are correct.

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I'd like to know where you are getting the 3+ cover if the rhino is wrecked? Certainly it's not the bolster defenses special rule the techmarine has? Becuase 1. It's a wreck, not a ruin and 2. It must be declared before the game begins. Unless GK have some rule that I'm not aware of?
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I'd like to know where you are getting the 3+ cover if the rhino is wrecked? Certainly it's not the bolster defenses special rule the techmarine has? Becuase 1. It's a wreck, not a ruin and 2. It must be declared before the game begins. Unless GK have some rule that I'm not aware of?


The GK Librarian can take Shrouding, which gives him and every unit within a fixed radius (think it's 6") the Stealth USR. So a wreck would give a 3+ cover if that's active.

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