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2 WIP Assault Marines


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Hi guys,


I have been playing this delightful game of Warhammer 40k for getting on for 15 years and have been a Blood Angel for the entire time.


So... I figured it was about time I painted something properly!


I'm chuffed to bits with the way these guys are looking so far, but there are a few things I'm not so pleased with. The chainsword and pistols being #1 on that list - I couldn't decide what colour to do the casings so (a) they matched and (:P they didn't look rubbish. The pistols I think are ok, but the chainsword looks like it's wrapped in tin foil! Btw, it's Dwarf Bronze not gold.


The Fist wielder has had his armour washed in Leviathan purple but he hasn't had his highlight in Scab red yet. The other guy is pretty much complete on that front (if I'm brave I might attempt some edge highlights in blood red). The blood drop Sarge's shoulder isn't complete yet but my hand has got the shakes tonight so I'm not going anywhere near a detail brush right now. In posting these pictures I just noticed I haven't done the seals on either's legs yet (oops).


They're supposed to be dark, moody angels as opposed to the bright cheerful ones Games Workshop shows everyone ;)


Sergeant with Fist and Bolt pistol:



Assault Brother with basic armaments:




Please tell me what you think and any suggestions you have to improve them will be greatly received. Unless it's "ZOMG< looks at teh mould lines". Because I'll have to hunt you down and chop you up into little pieces.

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Looking good.

I like the helmet on the regular guy much better than on the sarg. I'm not sold on the bronze weapons, but it looks pretty good on the basic guys bolt pistol. The sword looks a little uneven, maybe try multiple thinner coats to keep it smooth, and more highlighting like on the pistol. I'd try an additional highlight on the red too, maybe just on the highest points. And get the eyes done, it'll give the models much more life.

Looking good though, nice and clean looking.

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You should either wash the bronze with mud and get rid of a lot of the shine or you need to highlight the sword further. That's pretty much it from my perspective.
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Thanks for the responses guys.


The sergeant's helmet was found in my bits box, it was already yellow, so I stuck it on. But yes, Grizzly Adams, I agree. It doesn't look quite right. I'll redo it the same as the other guy's hat (who was black-washed in fact).



RedFury, The sword used to be yellow and I think when I did the yellow I put it on thick instead of in layers as you suggest. I'll give it a black wash and silver highlights like the pistol later, hopefully that'll make it look better. It's just a big blog of bronze all in one place that looks a bit weird I think.

What do you mean by "do the eyes"?


Cheers for now B)

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What do you mean by "do the eyes"?


Right now thevisors in your Marines' helmets are unicolored, but most people paint them with a basic color different from the helmet color plus again a differently colored dot to resemble a pupil. Of course you can't see a Marines' pupil through his visor, but painting that colored dot does make them look better and you can always argue that it represents some sort of beam wandering on the visor's surface.

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Really dig the normal Assault marine. You could even keep the black eyes, if you highlight appropriately (maybe they're on planet really close to the sun and they've auto-tinted?)


For the Sergeant, besides re-doing the helmet's paint/wash, maybe do a thin Badab Black wash over the Aquila? It will make it a bit more crisp, IMO. But I like where you're going with them. Definitely use the Assault marine as the template for the rest of your army.


As an aside, why did you decide on the yellow/orange theme for the Chapter symbol? I've never seen one done that way before, and was wondering if it had something to do with how you're marking your squads.

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